As per notification issued by University on 3rd October, the last date for submission of IGNOU Assignment for TEE December 2024 has been extended till 30th November 2024. Read Details Here.
Indira Gandhi National Open University (IGNOU) is one of the largest and most prestigious distance learning institutions in India. It offers a wide range of undergraduate, postgraduate, and diploma programs through open learning. IGNOU’s flexibility and wide reach have made education accessible to millions of students across the country, even in remote areas.
As part of its academic evaluation process, IGNOU requires students to submit assignments for the courses they are enrolled in. Assignments are an integral part of the overall assessment, and failing to submit them can result in the student being marked incomplete or even failed in that subject. However, simply submitting the assignment isn’t enough—there are specific guidelines to follow, including how to fill the front page of each assignment.
IGNOU Assignment Front Page PDF TEE December 2024: Details
The front page of an IGNOU assignment is crucial. Not only does it contain essential details about the student, but it also ensures that the assignment is properly identified and assessed by the evaluator. Incorrect or incomplete information on the front page may lead to delays in grading or even misplacement of the assignment. Therefore, it is important to know the proper way to fill out the front page of your IGNOU assignment.
Steps on How To Fill How to Fill IGNOU Assignment Front Page Dec 2024
Now, let’s break down the steps for filling out the IGNOU assignment front page correctly. You can print the front page format and then fill in the details by hand. Please note each subject under your assignment will have a different Front Page to be filled. For instance, if you have to submit assignment for 5 different subjects. You will need to print the below PDF 5 times and attach each of these on the first page of all 5 assignments. Make sure that the details are accurate.

1. Enrolment Number
Your enrollment number is a unique identifier given to you by IGNOU when you enroll in a course. This is a crucial piece of information because it links your assignment to your student profile. You can copy your enrollment number from IGNOU Student ID Card. Write your enrollment number carefully, ensuring there are no mistakes.
2. Name
Below the enrollment number, include your full name as registered with IGNOU. Make sure that your name matches the one in the university’s records to avoid any confusion. If you do not remember, check your IGNOU Student ID. Use clear handwriting or type your name to ensure it is legible.
3. Address
Add your permanent address here as per earlier submitted records to the University.
4. Programme Code
This is the code for the course you’re enrolled in, such as BLIS, MBA, MEG, BAG, BSCG, BSWG etc. This code identifies the specific program in which you are registered. You can also check your Admission status, Student ID or IGNOU website to know exact programme code of your course.
5. Course Code
Each subject or paper in your program has a unique course code. For example, if you are enrolled in an BLIS course, the course code might be BLI-221. This code is essential because it helps the evaluator know exactly which course the assignment is for.
Both of these codes are available in your admission documents, or you can find them in the course syllabus.
6. Title of the Course
Just below the course code, write the title of the course. For example, if the course code is BLI-221, the course title might be “Library, information and Society”. It’s important to write the full course title to avoid any confusion during evaluation.
7. Assignment Number
IGNOU assignments are usually numbered, especially for programs that have multiple assignment submissions throughout the semester. The assignment number will be listed in your course materials or assignment guidelines. For example, it might be written as “Assignment 1,” “Assignment 2,” etc. Make sure to include the correct assignment number on the front page.
8. Study Centre
Each IGNOU student is assigned a study centre, where you may attend workshops or submit assignments. The study centre code is provided by IGNOU at the time of admission. Write this code clearly on the front page, as the assignment will be processed through this centre.
9. Phone Number and Email ID
Though not always required, it is a good idea to include your contact details (email address and phone number) on the front page. This can help if there is an issue with your assignment and the evaluator or study centre needs to get in touch with you.
10. Date and Signature
On the front page, you need to include the date on which you are submitting the assignment. This is crucial because each course has a submission deadline, and late submissions may incur penalties or may not be accepted. Make sure the date format is correct and legible. After checking all the above information, make sure to sign the document in the signature section.
IGNOU RC Specific Assignment Front Page PDF
IGNOU Regional Centre Delhi -2 | Download PDF |
IGNOU Regional Centre Delhi -3 | Download PDF |
Final Tips for Filling IGNOU Assignment Front Page
Cross Check Front Page with Study Centre: Many a times, a particular Regional Centre follows its own Front page. If you are submitting assignment by hand to your regional or study centre, it is always a good idea to check to show them the front page and checking with them before submitting your assignment.
Neatness: Make sure the front page is neat and legible, whether you are writing it by hand or typing it. Avoid smudges or unclear handwriting.
Double-check the information: Before submitting, double-check all the information, especially your enrollment number, course code, and study centre details, as these are crucial for proper processing. Any discrepancy in filling out details might result in impacting evaluation and overall result. Therefore, be very careful in filling the right information. If not clear, you may ask the Study Centre staff to help you.
Follow IGNOU guidelines: Each program might have slight variations in the guidelines for assignment submissions, so always review the specific instructions for your course.
Why IGNOU Assignment Front Page is Important ?
Identification: It allows the evaluator to quickly identify your course, your subject, and your personal information. This prevents any misplacement or confusion about the assignment.
Evaluation: The front page includes details that are necessary for marking your assignment. Missing or incorrect details could delay the grading process.
Compliance: IGNOU has a set format for how it expects the front page to be presented. By following the format, you ensure that your submission adheres to university guidelines, helping to avoid penalties.
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