IGNOU Helpline Numbers 2025 : Queries and Concerns (With Contact Details) 

IGNOU Helpline / Contact Numbers 2025

With its expansive reach and flexible learning model, IGNOU caters to millions of students across the country and abroad. It is therefore quiet obvious that these millions of students would have a list of queries and concerns. It was therefore essential for the University to set up general as well as specific IGNOU helpline. 

Centralized Helpline

Contact Details011-29571301/ 011-29571528
Submission of QueriesIGRAM

Helpline for Admissions and Enrollment Queries

One of the primary areas of concern for students contacting the IGNOU helpline is related to admissions and enrollment. Given the variety of programs offered, prospective students often seek guidance on eligibility criteria, course details, and the application process. Common queries include:

Eligibility Criteria: Students often inquire about the minimum qualifications required for different programs. The helpline assists by providing detailed information on eligibility requirements for undergraduate, postgraduate, diploma, and certificate courses. 

Application Process: The steps involved in the application process can be confusing for new applicants. Queries typically revolve around the necessary documentation, deadlines, and the online submission process. The helpline ensures students are guided through each step, helping them to successfully complete their applications.

Course Selection: With a plethora of courses available, students often need help choosing the right program that aligns with their career goals and interests. The helpline offers personalized advice based on individual preferences and academic backgrounds.

Fee Structure and Payment: Questions about the fee structure, payment methods, and deadlines are common. The helpline provides clarity on the fees for various courses, available payment options, and financial aid or scholarship opportunities.

For all the Pre admission queries (Delhi) 011-29572514, 011 29572513, 011 29572516

Online Admission : Many a times students face issues while they are stuck at certain parts of the Admission process, non receipt of acknowledgment form , non receipt of application form or payment related queries.

For all Online Admission related queries (Delhi)011-29571301/ 011-29571528 or email at  csrc@ignou.ac.in

Helpline for Academic Support and Course Materials 2025

IGNOU Helpline 2025

Once enrolled, students frequently reach out to the helpline for academic support. This includes issues related to course materials, assignments, and study schedules. Some prevalent concerns are:

Study Material: Students often face delays in receiving their study materials, which can hinder their learning process. The helpline assists by tracking the delivery status and providing alternatives, such as digital copies, when necessary.

For all Study Material Dispatch Status Queries (Delhi)011-29572008, 011 29572012 / mpdd@ignou.ac.in
Purchase of Audio Visual Materialempcmktunit@ignou.ac.in

Assignments/ Projects/Practicals : Clarifications regarding assignment deadlines, submission guidelines, and evaluation criteria are commonly sought. The helpline provides detailed instructions and helps resolve any technical issues faced during online submissions.

For all Assignment Marks updation related queries011-29571325 / 011-29571319/ 011-29571313Email at assignment@ignou.ac.in
Detailed concerns related to  AssignmentsYour Study Centre/ LSC
Status of Project report, Dissertation, Viva Marks011-29571324 / 011-29571321/ projects@ignou.ac.in
Approval of Project SynopsisProject Co-ordinator in the Concerned School of Studies or RC
Updation of Practical marks011-29572212/ 011-29536103 practicalsed@ignou.ac.in

Study Centers: Many students need information about their assigned study centers, including location, contact details, and available facilities.

Information /Queries on Allotted Study CentreYour Regional Centre

Helpline for Examinations and Results

Examinations are a critical component of the academic journey at IGNOU, and students often have numerous queries and concerns in this regard. Key areas of concern include:

Examination Form: Students frequently seek assistance with the examination form submission process, including technical issues related to online submission. The helpline ensures students are aware of all the concerns related to the form submission.

For concerns about Examination Form: non receipt of control number, Examination Form status, refund of excess examination fee, payment issues011-29572209
Exam Form Payment Status Tracking

Admit Cards/ Hall Ticket : Obtaining admit cards in a timely manner is crucial for students. The helpline assists in downloading admit cards and resolving any issues related to incorrect details or non-availability.

For all concerns related to IGNOU Hall Ticket: Issue of Hall ticket, Correction in hall ticket for handicapped students, Non-receipt of hall tickets for TEE or Entrance Tests etc.011-29572209, 011-29572202, 01129535064
bhavna@ignou.ac.in/ ssbhandari@ignou.ac.in / examiii@ignouac.in 

Examination Centers: Information about examination center locations and facilities is another common query. Here is a list of Exam Centers for TEE June 2024.

Results and Grade Cards: Post-examination, students are anxious about their results. The helpline provides information on result declaration dates, duplicate marksheets,  how to access results online, and steps to take in case of discrepancies or re-evaluation requests.

Concerns related to results/issue of grade card/provisional certificate of bachelor degree courses011-29572211
Concerns related to results/issue of grade card/provisional certificate of masters degree courses011-29572212
Concerns related to results/issue of grade card/provisional certificate of DPE and Certificate degree courses011-29572208
Concerns related to results/issue of grade card/provisional certificate of Diploma degree courses011-29572211
Verification of provisional certificate and grade cards/ Issue of Transcripts011-29572210/ 011-29536405
Issue of duplicate mark sheet011-29572218/ 011-29571313
Corrections and concerns related to Grade Card011-29572208/ 011-29572211/ 011-29572212

Degree Diploma concerns: IGNOU dispatches marksheet, migration certificate and degree at students’ address by default. The helpline can resolve any concerns related to issue or status of Degrees or diplomas.

All concerns related to Degrees: Issue of Degree/ Diploma Certificate/ Dispatch of returned Degrees/ Verification of Degrees/Convocation011-29572213/ 011-29535438/ 011-29572224convocation@ignou.ac.in

Helpline for Other Issues

Credit Transferregistrarsrd@ignou.ac.in
Concerns related to International studentsinternationaldivision@ignou.ac.in
Issue of Bonafide CertificateYour Regional Centre
Issue of Migration CertificateYour Regional Centre
Issues related to ID cardYour Regional Centre
Change of Elective/Medium/opting of leftover electives/ Deletion of excess creditsYour Regional Centre
Change of name, correction of name/addressYour Regional Centre
Concerns related to Fee ReceiptYour Regional Centre

Helpline for RC related concerns

Many of student issues can be sorted at Regional Centre or Study Centre level. Here are list of contacts and helpline numbers for Regional Centres of all cities.

By addressing a wide array of queries and concerns, the helpline ensures that students receive the necessary guidance and support to succeed in their studies. From admissions to examinations, and from technical support to grievance redressal, the helpline’s role is multifaceted and indispensable. As IGNOU continues to expand and evolve, the helpline will undoubtedly remain a cornerstone of its student support services, ensuring that learners can confidently and effectively pursue their educational goals.

IGNOU Helpline: FAQs

1. What types of queries can I resolve through the IGNOU helplines?

The IGNOU helplines can assist with a wide range of queries, including:

  • Admission process and status
  • Examination schedules and results
  • Assignment submission guidelines and status
  • Study material dispatch status
  • Fee payment and refund issues
  • Technical issues with the IGNOU website or portals
  • General information about IGNOU courses and programs

2. What are the working hours of the IGNOU helpline?

The IGNOU helpline typically operates during regular office hours, from 9:30 AM to 5:30 PM, Monday to Friday. Some helplines may also be available on Saturdays. It is advisable to check the specific working hours for different helpline numbers on the IGNOU website.

3. How can I find the helpline number for my regional centre?

You can find the helpline number for your regional centre here.

4. What should I do if I am unable to reach the IGNOU helpline?

If you are unable to reach the IGNOU helpline:

  • Try calling during non-peak hours when the lines might be less busy.
  • Send an email to the relevant department or regional centre with your query.
  • Visit your nearest IGNOU Regional Centre or Study Centre for in-person assistance.
  • Use the iGRAM portal to register a grievance if the issue remains unresolved.

5. Can I get assistance for technical issues with IGNOU’s online portals through the helpline?

Yes, the IGNOU helpline can assist with technical issues related to IGNOU’s online portals, such as the Student Portal, iGRAM, or eGyankosh. For more complex technical problems, you may be directed to the university’s technical support team.

6. Are the IGNOU helpline services available to international students?

Yes, IGNOU provides helpline services to international students. International students can contact the International Division of IGNOU through email or phone for specific queries related to admissions, examinations, and other services. The contact details are available on the IGNOU website under the “International Students” section.

7. Can I inquire about my examination results through the IGNOU helpline?

Yes, you can inquire about your examination results through the IGNOU helpline. You may also check your results online here.

8. What information should I have ready when calling the IGNOU helpline?

When calling the IGNOU helpline, have the following information ready:

  • Your enrollment number
  • Name and program details
  • Specific details about your query or issue
  • Any relevant documents or information that might help in resolving your issue quickly

9. Can I use the IGNOU helpline to register a grievance?

While you can use the IGNOU helpline for initial queries and concerns, formal grievances are best registered through the iGRAM portal or by contacting the relevant department via email. This ensures a documented trail and systematic follow-up for your grievance.

10. Is there a helpline specifically for IGNOU admissions?

Yes, IGNOU has a dedicated helpline for admissions-related queries. The number and email address for the admissions helpline mentioned here.

11. Can I get assistance with my assignment submission status through the helpline?

Yes, the IGNOU helpline can provide information on assignment submission status and guidelines. For more detailed assistance, you may be directed to contact your Study Centre or Regional Centre.

12. Is there any charge for calling the IGNOU helpline?

Calls to specific departmental or regional centre numbers may incur regular call charges depending on your service provider.

Related Readings For You:

IGNOU Grievance 2025 : How to Post Queries in IGNOU iGram

IGNOU Academic Calendar: Admission, Assignment, Exams, Results, Degree

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