
IGNOU Important Guess Paper Questions for TEE December 2024 (Free)

IGNOU Important Questions For TEE Dec 2024 (Free)(Updated)

Indira Gandhi National Open University (IGNOU) is one of the largest open universities in the world, offering a wide range of undergraduate, postgraduate, diploma, and certificate courses. As the Term-End Examination (TEE) for December 2024 are approaching, students across various programs are gearing up for their exams. Preparing for these exams can be challenging, and having access to IGNOU important questions can significantly help in effective preparation.

Here, we will discuss some key strategies and important questions for various programs offered by IGNOU, focusing on how to approach them and why they are crucial for your TEE preparation.

Lets first have a look at Date Sheet for TEE December 2024:

Understanding the Importance of Key Questions

Important questions serve as a guiding light for students. They help in focusing on significant topics that are more likely to appear in the exams. These questions are usually derived from previous years’ question papers, study materials, and the core concepts of the syllabus. They help in:

Prioritizing Study Material: With vast syllabi, it is essential to prioritize topics. Important questions help in identifying these areas.

Practice and Revision: Practicing these questions ensures better understanding and retention of key concepts.

Time Management: By focusing on important questions, students can manage their time more efficiently during exam preparation.

IGNOU Important Questions  for TEE December 2024

Tip: In order to score well, prepare the below questions as long answer type. This will help you prepare these topics completely to be able answer both short and long answers.

We will be updating more subjects in the coming days.

IGNOU Important Questions for BAG TEE December 2024

Subject: BHIE 141 History of China c.1840-1978 (Updated with TEE June 2024 Questions)

  1. Write a note on the emergence of a new culture in China after the Revolution of 1911.
  2. What led to the outbreak of the First Opium War ? Write a note on the Chinese response to the west.
  3. What led to the formation of the United Front ? Discuss the reasons for the break up between the Guomindang and the Communist Party of China.
  4. ‘The Taiping Movement was characterized by its triple content—national, religious and social.’ Elaborate.
  5. Write in brief about China’s transformation to a socialist system under Mao-Zedong.
  6. Write note on The Hundred Days Reform.
  7. Analyse the reasons for Boxer rebellion. What was its significance ?
  8. Write a note on The May Fourth Movement.
  9. Analyse the significance of the ‘Yan’yan Base’ and the ‘Red Base’.
  10. Write a note on The Great Leap Forward.
  11. Analyse the reasons for the success of the Chinese Revolution of 1949. What was its significance ?
  12. Write an essay on the emergence and activities of the Communist Party of China.
  13. Discuss the emergence of the Chinese bourgeoisie as a social force.
  14. Briefly discuss the Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution.
  15. Write a note on Confucianism and Taoism.
  16. Describe the Commune system.
  17. Explain the importance of the Self-Strengthening Movement in China.

Subject: BHIE143 History of Environment (Updated with TEE June 2024 Questions)

  1. Write a note on understanding the history of conservation of nature
  2. Define ‘Green Imperialism’. Assess the role of European colonialism towards Green Imperialism.
  3. Explain Role of NGOs in environmental conservation and restoration in contemporary India
  4. What were the important features of the National Health Policy of 2002 ?
  5. What do you understand by the term ‘ecofeminism’ ? Discuss.
  6. How were forests viewed during the period of ancient Indian river valley civilizations and the Vedic period ? Comment.
  7. Do you agree with Richard Grove’s critique of Alfred Crosby’s concept of ‘ecological imperialism’ ?
  8. Comment on the growth of the Greenpeace Movement.
  9. Explain the importance of forest and water as given in Indian philosophy.
  10. Examine the importance of conservation for sustainability. Discuss the practices in the colonial period. conservation
  11. Discuss the relationship of nomadic communities with the environment.

Subject: BEGE141 Understanding Prose (Updated with TEE June 2024 Questions)

  1. Describe the circumstances that made Kincaid believe that her culture and history were inferior to that of the colonizers.
  2. Summarize the main ideas given in Nehru’s “The Quest of Man”.
  3. What does the comment “Be strong before people, only weep before God”, from the short story “Mother‟, show about the mother’s character ?
  4. How were Queen Victoria and Prince Albert different ? Why did the English aristocracy disapprove of Albert ?
  5. What impression do you form about the Burmese from the essay ‘Shooting an Elephant’ ?
  6. Anne Frank’s diary reveals the trauma of the holocaust. Comment with examples from the text.
  7. Write a critical appreciation of Margaret Laurence‟s speech “My Final Hour‟.
  8. “Atkins’ understanding of the cultural differences between people of North and South India make his travelogue both interesting and informative.” Do you agree ? Give reasons for your answer.
  9. Why does Iona pour out his history to the mare in Chekhov‟s story “Misery‟ ?
  10. Explain the following: (i) Figures of speech (ii) Expository prose (iii) Differences between biography and autobiography (iv) Difference between Prose and Poetry (v) Narrative Prose (vi) Diary writing as a literary form (vii) Difference between biography and autobiography? (viii) Image and symbol as figures of speech
  11. Write a detailed note on Russell’s prose style as seen in his Autobiography.
  12. Write a critical appreciation of Gandhi’s art and craft of autobiography.
  13. How does Aitken make fun of Indian politicians? Base your answer on your reading of the excerpt from his travelogue.

Subject: BPCE145 Counselling Psychology (Updated with TEE June 2024 Questions)

  1. Explain the role of counsellor and strategies used in person-centered therapy.
  2. Explain the theoretical approaches to family counselling.
  3. Define Music therapy. Describe the history and various approaches to music therapy.
  4. Describe the goals and techniques used in counselling geriatric population
  5. Describe the goals of psychoanalysis and explain the techniques used in it.
  6. Explain existential therapy in terms of view of human nature, goals, and techniques.
  7. Define art therapy. Discuss the steps and techniques used in art therapy.

Subject: BEGG171 Media and Communication Skills (Updated with TEE June 2024 Questions)

  1. Describe the principles of and process involved in news scripting for the broadcast media.
  2. Discuss the issue of ethics involved in advertising by giving suitable examples.
  3. Describe the principles of and process involved in news scripting for the broadcast media.
  4. Define Cyber media and its characteristics. What preventive measures can one take to keep one safe from cyber crimes ? OR Discuss the impact of social and cyber media on our lives.
  5. Discuss the process involved in preparation for an ‘unscripted’ programme.
  6. Define communication. Discuss its role, functions and different kinds.
  7. Discuss the structure and various types of editorials.
  8. Elucidate the process for unscripted TV Programmes.
  9. Write an interview with a media personality of your choice, framing 10 meaningful questions and their probable answers/responses.
  10. Write a 30 sec TV advertisement for promotion of the idea of ‘Education for All’ based purely on music and effects.
  11. What do you understand by PSA ? Prepare a copy for a PSA on radio on a free health checkup to be held on 26th Jan., 2022 in IGNOU, New Delhi.
  12. Prepare a copy for radio advertisement for promotion of regional languages in the context of National Education Policy (NEP). How is radio advertisement distinct from Press and TV advertisement ?

Subject: BEGG173 Academic Writing and Composition (Updated with TEE June 2024 Questions)

  1. What do you understand by the term “copyright‟ ? How is it protected ?
  2. What aspects should be considered while writing a business proposal ? OR Briefly describe the structure of a business proposal.
  3. Explain why citations are essential elements in academic writing.
  4. Identify any four disciplines covered under the “humanities‟ stream. Discuss the general features of academic writing in these disciplines. OR Identify any four disciplines covered under the stream „natural and applied sciences‟. Discuss the general features of academic writing in such disciplines.
  5. What aspects should be considered while writing a book review ? Write a brief review of any book that you have read recently.
  6. With suitable examples, explain how academic writing is different from nonacademic writing.
  7. With suitable examples, explain how an argumentative text differs from a persuasive text.
  8. What are the foundational elements of critical thinking ?
  9. What aspects should be considered while writing a report of a meeting ? What information would you include in the report ?
  10. Why is feedback important in the writing process ?
  11. The editing and revising stage is an important stage in the writing process. What are the parameters to be kept in mind while editing?
  12. i) What aspects should be considered while writing the review of a film? ii) Write a brief review of a film that you watched recently.
  13. Write a promotional paragraph encouraging people to buy a new water filter that your company has just introduced into the market.

Essay Topic Suggestions:

  • Measures to be taken to preserve our historical monuments. / Conservation of national monuments: our role as citizens.
  • Measures to be taken to protect and save our rivers, the lifelines of the nation./ Conservation of Indian Rivers : Problems and Challenges.
  • Air Pollution in India : What can we as citizens do to tackle it ?
  • Electronic books are the books of the future.
  • Higher Education in India today : Problems and Challenges.

Subject: BSOC 131 Introduction to Sociology (Updated with TEE June 2024 Questions)

  1. What do you mean by Culture? Discuss Characteristics and elements of Culture.
  2. What is the relationship between Sociology and Psychology?
  3. What are Social Institutions. Discuss its various perspectives and significance?
  4. Explain the various approaches and factors of social change.
  5. What are the various sociological concepts and methods used in Social psychology?
  6. Differentiate between multiple roles and role set.
  7. Explain political sociology as a sub-field of sociology.
  8. What is sociology? Discuss its nature and scope.
  9. Discuss the concept of community and its elements.
  10. Describe the similarities and differences between sociology and social anthropology.
  11. Discuss the relationship between sociology and other social sciences.
  12. Describe Max Weber’s contribution to sociology with his theory of social action.
  13. Discuss the importance of ethics in sociological research.
  14. What is socialization? Explain its importance and agents.
  15. Discuss the impact of globalization on culture and society.
  16. Discuss the concept of role and status. Differentiate between ascribed and achieved status.
  17. What are the differences between Radcliffe- Brown and Malinowski’s approach to understanding society ? Clarify.

Subject: BSOE 141 Urban Sociology (Updated with TEE June 2024 Questions)

  1. Define urban sociology and discuss its significance in the study of society.
  2. Analyze the impact of globalization on urban economies.
  3. Analyze the role of urban green spaces in enhancing the quality of urban life.
  4. Examine the challenges of urban housing and slum development.
  5. Explain the impact of migration on the urban social structure.
  6. Describe the classification of urban occupational structure.
  7. Explain the contribution of Chicago School in the origin and development of Urban Sociology.
  8. What is Urbanism ? How does acculturation process help in Urbanisation ?
  9. How are Ecology and Urban Sociology inter- linked ? Discuss.
  10. Define the concept of urban and discuss urbanism as described by Louis Wirth.
  11. Outline the features of a “Gated Community” in big cities.
  12. What do you understand by urban political economy? Discuss.
  13. Explain the significance of network in urban sociology.
  14. Define the concept of leisure. What role does it play in the structure of the city ?
  15. How does the Hoyt model address the limitations of the concentric zone model in detailing the spatial configuration of cities?
  16. In the Urban context, how does Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs) impact the society ? Discuss.

Subject: BANC131 Anthropology And Research Methods (Updated with TEE June 2024 Questions)

  1. Define Anthropology. Describe its scope and significance.
  2. Explain the methods of data collection in archaeological anthropology.
  3. Explain current fields of archaeological anthropology.
  4. What is Biological Anthropology ? Enlist and describe its branches.
  5. Describe history and development of physical anthropology.
  6. Discuss the relationship of social anthropology with other social sciences.
  7. Explain the below: (i) Linguistic Anthropology (ii) Excavation (iii)Types of Research design (iv)Emic and Etic approach.
  8. Briefly describe the rise of Socio-Cultural Anthropology in India.
  9. Write a brief outline on the contribution of Alfred Radcliffe-Brown in Anthropology.
  10. Explain Relationship of Archaeological Anthropology with Physical, Natural and Biological Sciences

Subject: BANC132 Fundamentals of Biological Anthropology (Updated with TEE June 2024 Questions)

  1. What is Biological Anthropology ? Critically examine the subfields of Biological Anthropology. Discuss its history and development. Discuss its aims and scope.
  2. Discuss various applications of Biological Anthropology.
  3. What is organic evolution ? Briefly discuss the evolutionary theory of Lamarckism and Darwinism with suitable examples.
  4. What are the anatomical changes that took place in human during Bipedalism ? Discuss.
  5. What is Nutritional Anthropology?
  6. Who are Primates ? Briefly discuss its origin, characteristics and Taxonomy of living primates.
  7. Differentiate between Cross-sectional and Longitudinal growth method. Discuss the scope and methods of studying human growth.
  8. Write a note on ABO Blood group system.
  9. Write a note on Parallelism and Convergence.
  10. What is adaptation ? Briefly discuss the adaptation of human to high altitude and nutrition.
  11. Describe Human Genome Project.
  12. What are the major races of the world ?  Explain morphological, Serological and genetic criteria of classification of “ Races” .
  13. What are the various  methods to study human variations.
  14. Explain Serology.
  15. Discuss physical anthropology. Explain its association with human genetics.

Subject: BPYG172 Philosophy Of Religion (Updated with TEE June 2024 Questions)

  1. Write a note on the sociological, psychological, anthropological and sociopolitical perspectives regarding the origin of religion.
  2. What is the Problem of Evil ? Explain the Logical and Evidential Problem of Evil in detail.
  3. Define religious fundamentalism. How are religious fundamentalism and terrorism related. How can we tackle religious fundamentalism with the help of religious pluralism ?
  4. Critically analyze the feminist approach to philosophy of religion. OR Define Religion. Distinguish between Theology and Philosophy of Religion.
  5. Do you think that Indian version of secularism is different from the general understanding of secularism? Give reasons to support your answer.
  6. Write a note on the Soul building theodicy.
  7. What do you understand by religious  ‘dialogue’ ? Explain the imperative of religious dialogue.  OR What is Religious Conflict ? How can Interreligious dialogue be helpful in resolving Religious Conflict ?
  8. Illustrate the nature and salient features of religion.
  9. Elaborate upon the various types of ‘Theism.’
  10. Explain the logical conceivability of religious experience according to William James.
  11. Illustrate Kalam’s cosmological argument.
  12. How Rudolf Otto proves the validity of Religious experience? Briefly Discuss.
  13. Do you agree that ‘God is eternal’ ? Substantiate your position.
  14. Distinguish between religious feeling and feeling of the sublime.
  15. Write a brief note on the following:
  • Fine-tuning argument
  • Atheism and Agnosticism
  • Best of Possible worlds Theodicy
  • Monotheism
  • Prayer
  • Myth
  • Pantheism

Subject: BPCG 171 General Psychology (Updated with TEE June 2024 Questions)

  1. Explain the central nervous system.
  2. Describe the structure and types of neuron with a suitable diagram.
  3. Explain the concept of motivation and describe the types of motivation.Describe various theories of motivation.
  4. Discuss the theories of emotions.
  5. Discuss the scope, methods and applications of psychology.
  6. Discuss psychoanalytic theories of personality.
  7. Explain different Models of Memory.
  8. Elucidate the theories of moral and cognitive development.
  9. Discuss the theories of intelligence.
  10. Explain Freud’s psychosexual development.

Subject: BPCG 172 Youth, Gender and Identity (Updated with TEE June 2024 Questions)

  1. Define identity. Discuss the theories of identity.
  2. Explain the socio-cultural factors that influence aggressive behavior. OR Explain aggression and violence. Discuss the theoretical perspectives of aggression and violence.
  3. Explain the concept of youth in terms of socio-cultural, economic and legal aspects.
  4. Describe the various theories of aggression.
  5. Explain the concept of development. Discuss the cognitive development of youth during the adolescence years.
  6. Discuss gender stereotyping, gender socialization and changing gender roles.
  7. What is work-life balance? Discuss various challenges faced in it.
  8. Explain Holland’s theory of vocational choice.
  9. What is youth culture? Describe the various features of youth culture.
  10. Discuss the Family model of interdependence.
  11. Discuss educational institution as contexts of identity development.
  12. Define identity. Describe the social psychological perspectives on identity. Citing contemporary examples, explain the indicators of identity.
  13. Discuss human development in the context of family. Cite suitable examples.
  14. Explain Career choice and orientations

Subject: BPCG-173 Psychology For Health and Well Being (Updated with TEE June 2024 Questions)

  1. Explain the concept and sources of stress.
  2. Define health and describe any three models of health.
  3. Describe relaxation techniques, meditation and biofeedback management.
  4. Explain (a) Problems related to sexual health (b) AIDS
  5. Describe the nine components of gainful employment. Elucidate the concept of work-life balance.
  6. Explain the concept of anxiety. Describe various anxiety disorders.
  7. Explain the components of food.
  8. Define coping and explain its goals. Describe various coping styles.

Subject: BPCG-174 Psychology and Media (Updated with TEE June 2024 Questions)

  1. Elucidate the characteristics of a parasocial relationship. Discuss the factors affecting parasocial relationship.
  2. What is Cybercrime. Explain its classification.
  3. Discuss the functions and significance of media. Explain the positive and negative influences of media.
  4. Define media and its different types. Discuss stereotypes in media representation.  OR ‘Media shapes our culture.’ Explain. Support your answer citing appropriate examples.
  5. Explain ethical issues in media psychology research.
  6. Write a note on Health education and mass media.
  7. Explain Media fandom.
  8. Explain the theory of Social Constructionism and differentiate it from Symbolic Interactionism.
  9. Describe the role of media in development of education. OR Elucidate the role of digital media in education.
  10. Explain the impact of phubbing on relationships. Discuss the positive influence of media on human development.
  11. Discuss the explanation for media violence and its impact on human psychology.
  12. Explain the concepts of media and social media. Discuss various types of media.

Subject: BPCG-175 Psychology For Living (Updated with TEE June 2024 Questions)

  1. Define counselling and differentiate it from- guidance and psychotherapy. Describe the assessment techniques used in counselling.
  2. Explain the types and theoretical paradigms of ageing.
  3. Describe the characteristics and models of dysfunctional attitudes. Write the techniques for modifying dysfunctional attitudes.
  4. Discuss the theoretical perspectives on child development.
  5. What is Meaning and components of emotional intelligence.
  6. Explain the principles and theoretical frameworks of positive youth development.
  7. Discuss the risk and protective factors in childhood. How can we build resilience in children ?
  8. Explain self-concept and self-efficacy. Describe strategies for enhancing self-efficacy.
  9. Describe the components, types and theories of motivation.
  10. Explain cognitive rigidity and describe the techniques to overcome it.
  11. Describe the nature and stages of creativity. Elucidate the factors influencing creativity and ways to enhance creativity.
  12. Discuss mind-body relationship and explain in detail the bio-psychosocial model of health.

Subject: BPCG-176 Psychology of Gender (Updated with TEE June 2024 Questions)

  1. Explain gender role attitudes and their measurement. Discuss social role theory of Alice Eagley.
  2. Discuss the psychosocial status of LGBT community.
  3. Elucidate gender differences in self-construal. OR Discuss social constructivist approach in explaining gender differences. Explain dual impact model of gender and career.
  4. Explain the psychoanalytical approach to understand the construction of gender differences. OR Elucidate the theorization of gender by psychoanalytic theorists.
  5. Write a note on Romantic relationship in digital age.
  6. Explain the constructs of sex, gender and sexual orientation.
  7. Explain the cognitive approaches to gender development. OR Explain gender development in the context of gender schema theory.
  8. What is Morbidity-mortality paradox? OR Explain sex differences in mortality and morbidity. Examine gender differences in depression and suicide.
  9. Explain the different categories of gender identities. Discuss the psychosocial issues faced by the LGBTQIA+ individual.
  10. Explain gender socialization. Discuss ambivalent sexism theory of Glick and Fiske.
  11. How is violence against women defined? Discuss the different perspectives for the causes of violence against women.

Subject: BPAG171 Disaster Management (Updated with TEE June 2024 Questions)

  1. Explain the vulnerability profile of India. OR Discuss various factors of vulnerability. OR Elaborate the dimensions of climate change vulnerability.
  2. Discuss the significance of indigenous knowledge and coping strategies during cyclones, floods and droughts.
  3. Describe of the natural disaster profile of India.
  4. Analyse the impact of Uttarakhand floods, 2013 and bring out the major lessons learnt from this disaster. OR Explain the case study of ‘The Indian Ocean Tsunami, 2004’. OR Write a note on Odisha super-cyclone and the role of Odisha State Disaster Management Authority (OSDMA) in this regard.
  5. Highlight the principles of community based disaster management.
  6. Explain the concept and types of rehabilitation.
  7. ‘There is a close relation between disasters and development’. Elaborate.
  8. Explain the meaning of disaster. Define disaster and differentiate between natural and man-made disasters.
  9. Examine the role of Central and State Governments in disaster management.
  10. Explain the various types of disaster preparedness measures.
  11. Write a note on the National Policy on Disaster Management, 2009. OR Describe the institutional framework under the Disaster Management Act.

Subject: BPAG172 Governance:  Issues and Challenges (Updated with TEE June 2024 Questions)

  1. Explain the concept of governance and discuss its various forms.
  2. The involvement of stakeholders in governance takes various forms: Elaborate. OR Discuss the operational framework of constitution and the role of state actors in governance.
  3. ‘Media has an important role in governance’- Elaborate.
  4. Discuss the conceptual framework of information and communication technology. Describe various phases in ICT enabled governance.
  5. What is citizen’s charter? Explain its key elements.
  6. Discuss governance indicators across six dimensions.
  7. Examine the factors responsible for changing role of bureaucracy. OR Describe the governance challenges and the changing role of bureaucracy in present era.
  8. Discuss the theories of development. Elaborate People-centered Approach to Development.
  9. What are the features of sustainable human development. Explain sustainable development goals.
  10. “Participatory institutions have been formed to move forward with the development agenda.” Elaborate.
  11. A number of mechanisms have been initiated in India to ensure transparency and accountability in governance – Elaborate.
  12. Make an appraisal of functioning of panchayati raj institutions in India. OR Examine the dimensions of decentralization and local governance.
  13. Explain the concept of civil society and analyse the relationship between globalisation and civil society. OR Analyse the relationship between globalization, state, market and civil society.

Subject: BPAG172 Electronic Governance (Updated with TEE June 2024 Questions)

  1. Discuss the different models of e-governance.
  2. “Information and Communication Technology (ICT) helps administration to perform its duties towards citizens by efficient and effective delivery of public services.” Examine.
  3. Describe the e-governance projects in urban areas.
  4. Examine the concept and significance of e-learning, especially in the area of online delivery of education and training.
  5. “Information and Communication Technology has a key role in Local Governance.” Elucidate.
  6. Explain Service Delivery points.
  7. Describe digital library and its advantages and disadvantages.
  8. Explain the meaning and tools of e-commerce and e-payments.
  9. Discuss the various urban e-governance projects in India along with the Smart City Mission.
  10. Elaborate the features of Right to Information Act, 2005. Analyse its gaps and challenges.
  11. Write a note on National E-Governance Plan, 2006.
  12. Explain e-Panchayat Project and its limitations.
  13. Highlight the National Policy on Electronics 2019.
  14. ‘There are certain managerial tips that bring a digital transformation in the administrative culture of public organizations.’ Elaborate
  15. What is a village knowledge centre?
  16. Examine the role of Geographic Information Systems in decision making.
  17. Explain the components and types of information systems.

Subject: BPAG174 Sustainable Development (Updated with TEE June 2024 Questions)

  1. Discuss the meaning and nature of Sustainable Development.
  2. Describe the economic components of sustainable development.
  3. Examine the interrelationship between sustainable development and food security.
  4. What are the characteristics and categories of green technology ?
  5. Discuss the role of education in sustainable development.
  6. Discuss the relationship among global commons, global governance and climate change.
  7. Discuss the meaning and impact of climate change.
  8. What are Sustainable Development Goals. Explain any five. (Prepare all)
  9. Discuss the principles of Common but Differentiated Responsibilities.
  10. Describe the concept of climate change and bring out the relationship between development, sustainability and climate change.
  11. Write a note on Earth Summit, 1992.
  12. What do you mean by ‘green accounts approach’?
  13. Examine the term ‘Sustainable Choices’ .
  14. What is status quo approach? Explain
  15. Describe the concept and evolution of sustainable development.
  16. Examine the role of international conferences in sustainable development.
  17. Discuss the role of non-governmental organisations in sustainable development.
  18. Explain Environmental Justice.

Subject: BGDG-172 Gender Sensitization : Society and Culture (Updated with TEE June 2024 Questions)

  1. Discuss the forms of masculinities with suitable examples.
  2. Discuss the relationship of patriarchy, capitalism and the maternal body in the cross- cultural context.
  3. What is disability ? Discuss social attitudes towards disability.
  4. Do you agree that media reinforces the notion of feminity and masculinity ? Explain by providing examples.
  5. What is Sexual Harassment at Workplace. Examine its forms.
  6. What is disability ? Explain gender issues in disability with the help of examples.
  7. Define gender based violence. Discuss its various forms in India. What are the impacts of gender –Based Violence (GBV) on women?
  8. Define sexuality. Do think sexuality is socially constructed? Support your arguments by providing suitable examples.          .
  9. Define ‘Double burden’ in the context of women’s work. Give an example.
  10. What are reproductive rights of Indian women?
  11. What is Representation?
  12. Write in your own words about Glass Ceiling with an example.
  13. Describe Social Attitudes and Stereotypes concerning disability.
  14. Discuss the term ‘femininity ‘. Do you agree that it plays a significant role in shaping gender roles in everyday life? Explain with the help of suitable examples.
  15. Discuss the role of mass media and gender in India.
  16. Write your understanding of gender differences in the use of language.

Subject: BSOG173 Rethinking Development (Updated with TEE June 2024 Questions)

  1. Analyse political and socio-economic factors of development.
  2. Discuss Rostow’s historical stages approach to the study of development.
  3. Discuss the dependency theory of development.
  4. Explain the feminist critique of development.
  5. What is displacement ? Discuss linkage between displacement and development.
  6. Describe various grassroots initiative programmes undertaken by government towards development.
  7. Explain the multiple connotations of development.
  8. Discuss approaches to social development.
  9. How are livelihood and sustainability interconnected ? Explain.
  10. Outline the relationship between migration and development.
  11. Explain Capability and Welfare approach of development.

Subject: BSOG176 Economy and Society (Updated with TEE June 2024 Questions)

  1. Explain the substantivist approach to the understanding of economic sociology.
  2. Discuss the relationship between rationality and economic behaviour.
  3. Explain the sociological concept of economic distribution and exchange.
  4. Examine the differences between ‘development from the top’ and ‘development from the bottom’.
  5. Who is a peasant?  Discuss the economic mode of peasant societies. Discuss peasant movements in India.
  6. Discuss the contributions of Karl Marx and Max Weber on economic sociology.
  7. Discuss the features of hunting and gathering societies.
  8. Discuss the contributions of Simmel and Veblen on economic sociology.
  9. Explain the concept of ‘forces of production’.
  10. Discuss the concept of money.
  11. Discuss the theory of danadharma of gift exchange. OR Discuss the concept of gift. OR Critically examine the notion of ‘Gift Exchange’ with examples.
  12. What is Capitalism? Examine the dimensions of capitalism.
  13. Explain the various forms of reciprocity.
  14. Discuss the forms of pastoralism. Explain the problems faced by the pastoralists.
  15. Discuss the impact of globalization on society. Examine the merits and demerits of globalisation.
  16. What is Olericulture?
  17. What is pomology?
  18. What is Asiatic mode of production?

Subject: BPCS-187 Managing Human Resources (Updated with TEE June 2024 Questions)

  1. Elucidate the meaning of workplace diversity. Describe Hofstede’s model of cultural dimensions.
  2. Explain the concept, types and significance of corporate social responsibility.
  3. Elucidate the meaning and nature of performance appraisal. Explain the modern methods of performance appraisal.
  4. Explain the importance of selection. Describe the techniques of selection.
  5. Explain the concept of employee turnover. Describe the factors affecting employee retention.
  6. Elucidate the term ‘psychological contract’. Discuss employee-employer’s role in career management.
  7. Define Job Analysis. Discuss the uses of Job analysis.Explain the various methods for collecting the job analysis information.
  8. Explain the nature, scope, functions and objectives of Human Resource Management.
  9. Explain the concept of employee engagement and describe the ways in which employee engagement can be promoted.
  10. What is occupational safety? Describe the ways of promoting occupational safety. OR Define accidents. Explain its causes. Describe the ways of preventing accidents.
  11. Describe the nature, approaches and process of employee counselling.
  12. Explain the assessment of designing and implementation of training and development programmes.
  13. Describe sexual harassment 5+5 behaviour. Elucidate the steps to prevent sexual harassment and the laws against sexual harassment.

Subject: BSOS185 Society through the Visual (Updated with TEE June 2024 Questions)

  1. What is ethnography ? Discuss the place of visual in ethnography.
  2. Elucidate the relationship between self, society, photography and subjectivity.
  3. What is hypermedia? Elaborate relationship between multimedia, hypermedia and society.
  4. Write a note on the pioneers who used film and photography as part of their ethnographic work. OR Elucidate the contribution of the anthropologists in making ethnographic films.
  5. Discuss the significance of reflexivity and subjectivity in visual research?
  6. What are some of the handy tips to keep in mind while making an ethnographic film ?
  7. Give an account of Margaret Mead‟s contribution to Visual Anthropology.
  8. What do you understand by the concept of “gaze” ?
  9. Narrate some ethical considerations that must be part of ethnographic research.
  10. What is an ethnographic film ? Discuss.
  11. Examine the relationship between photography and modernity
  12. Explain the ways of incorporating voice of informant illustrations. in the film with suitable examples.
  13. Discuss the processes involved in identifying appropriateness of a visual method.
  14. Discuss the role of multimedia in visual social research.
  15. Write a note on the below:
  • Haptic cinema
  • Jean Rouch
  • Digital Ethnography
  • Visual anthropology

Subject: BCOS185 Entrepreneurship (Updated with TEE June 2024 Questions)

  1. What do you understand by entrepreneurial ecosystem ? Explain the various components of the entrepreneurial ecosystem. Also state the determinants of entrepreneurship.
  2. Discuss the methods and sources of business idea generation with examples.
  3. Explain the concept of start-ups along with challenges faced by start-ups. Explain the Start-up India initiative along with its objectives. Discuss the major measures to support start-ups in India.
  4. Discuss the various sources of finance available for entrepreneurship development. Explain the factors determining the choice of source of finance with examples.
  5. Explain the role of MSMEs in entrepreneurship development in India. Also, discuss recent initiatives of the government to promote MSMEs.   OR Describe the salient features of MSMED Act, 2006. Also discuss the key provisions of the Act.
  6. Describe the various types of family businesses in India with examples. Explain the  major challenges faced by family businesses in India. Explain the system theory of family business citing examples.
  7. “Conflict is a natural part of a business.” Discuss various kinds of conflict that may arise in family business and explain how they can be managed.
  8. Explain Rural Entrepreneurship.
  9. What is “Business Plan‟ ? Discuss briefly the key elements in writing a business plan.
  10. “Innovation and creativity go hand in hand.” Comment
  11. What do you understand by ‘Entrepreneurship’? Explain the need for entrepreneurship development in India. Explain its different theories and types.
  12. Describe the concept of family business with examples. Explain the major challenges faced by family businesses in India.
  13. Write a note on the below:
  • MUDRA Yojna
  • Feasibility Analysis

Subject: BCOS186 Personal Selling and Salesmanship (Updated with TEE June 2024 Questions)

  1. What do you mean by salesforce management ? Explain the process of salesforce management with the help of examples.
  2. If you have to sell a product of your choice to a prospect, what steps would you follow to materialize the sales ? Which one is the most crucial step, according to you, in the selling process and why ?
  3. What do you understand by buying motives ? Explain the application and types of buying motives in personal selling with the help of examples.
  4. What is the difference between prospecting and qualifying ? Explain the major methods of prospecting in the sales process with examples.
  5. Explain various types of prospect categories and respective strategies to deal with them. (b) Discuss various sales presentation strategies.
  6. Explain various sources of recruitment of sales force in an organisation. (b) Discuss the selection process of sales force in an organisation.
  7. Watch a sales presentation online or in person, evaluate the salesperson’s engagement, product communication, objection handling, and closing skills. Provide constructive feedback on strengths and suggest improvements.
  8. Describe ethical and legal issues in selling with suitable examples.
  9. Explain Maslow’s theory of need hierarchy.
  10. Explain the importance of Sales Reports. (b) Enlist the salient features of a good sales report with example.
  11. Explain the situations when one can use personal selling. Discuss the process of personal selling with examples.

Subject: BPYG171 Applied Ethics (Updated with TEE June 2024 Questions)

  1. Define Applied Ethics. Analyse the methods of justification in Applied Ethics.
  2. What is the cause of climate change and how is it being addressed ?
  3. Write an essay on the importance and relevance of Business Ethics in today’s society.
  4. Critically analyse the arguments for and against capital punishment.
  5. “Medical Ethics is not based on applying a fixed set of rules, but it is situation based.” Elaborate with practical examples.
  6. What do you understand by ‘Professional Ethics’ ? Why does ethical principle matter in any profession?
  7. Explain whether or not ‘Freedom of  Expression’ can be regarded as being an ‘Absolute Right’.
  8. What do you understand by the term ‘Bioethics’ ? Discuss some key bioethical issues in brief.
  9. Discuss some of the ethical issues surrounding the scope and limits of reproductive rights.
  10. What is terrorism? Why terrorism is harmful for our social fabric?
  11. What are the salient features of Anthropocentric ethics?
  12. What is surrogacy? Present some arguments against the idea of surrogacy.
  13. What are the different ways in which the idea of personhood is defined? And how do these ways affect the ethical debate on abortion?
  14. Discuss in detail preference utilitarianism of Peter Singer in the context of animal rights. OR Write a note on the traditional/religious and philosophical views concerning animal rights.
  15. Write a note on the tempered use of moral theories in the domain of technology.
  16. What are the arguments given by Immanuel Kant to oppose the idea of suicide? OR With respect to philosophical understanding of suicide as a phenomena. Explain the importance attributed to value of life.
  17. What do you understand by environmental Ethics ? Analyse the difference between animal centric and biocentric ethics.
  18. Write a note on the relation between justice and morality.
  19. Write a note on:
  • Is-Ought Gap
  • Coherentialism

Subject: BSOG 171 Indian Society : Images and Realities (Updated with TEE June 2024 Questions)

  1. Discuss the various approaches to study Indian civilization.
  2. Discuss the idea of India as imagined by:
  • Nationalists
  • Ideologists
  • colonialists
  1. What do you understand by the phrase “urbanism as a way of life” ? Discuss. Explain the various dimensions of urbanisation in India.
  2. Explain the relationship between caste and class in Indian society.
  3. Elaborate the important features of tribes in India.
  4. Give an account of linguistic diversity in India.
  5. Discuss the contribution of Pandita Ramabai for her feminist perspective on Indian society.
  6. What is the difference between majority and minority groups ? Discuss.
  7. Examine the  elements that have played a role in unifying Indian civilization
  8. Explain the nature of  legal, political and economic unification brought about by the British in India.
  9. Write a note on Varna and Jati.
  10. Examine the elements that have played a role in unifying Indian civilization.
  11. Discuss how the dimensions of plurality are addressed in Indian Constitution.

Subject: BPSE142 India’s Foreign Policy in a Globalising World

  1. Give an overview of India’s foreign policy working through different phases since 1947.
  2. Discuss the role of different governmental institutions in making India’s foreign policy.
  3. Elaborate the foreign policy of Prime Minister Narendra Modi.
  4. Discuss the objectives of India’s foreign  policy. Explain the factors shaping the foreign policy of India.
  5. Describe the principles of India’s Foreign Policy and its relevance in the present global order.
  6. Discuss the nature and types of determinants of India’s foreign policy.
  7. How did the end of cold war impact India-China relations ? Elaborate. OR Explain India-China relations.
  8. Explain Indias foreign policy in post-cold war period.
  9. Describe India-Russia relations since the end of the cold war.
  10. Describe the border issues in India-China relations.  OR Explain the Tibet factor in Sino-Indian relations.
  11. How did the end of Cold War impact the  India – US relations ? Elaborate.
  12. Why India did not sign the Nuclear Non –Proliferation Treaty?
  13. Discuss the significance of Non-alignment and Panchsheel as the founding principles of India’s foreign policy.
  14. Write a note on:
  • New Great Game’ in Central Asia.
  • Act East Policy
  • India and G-20

Subject: BANC134 Fundamentals of Archeological Anthropology (Updated with TEE June 2024 Questions)

  1. Briefly discuss archaeological the relationship anthropology with of other disciplines.
  2. What is Archaeological Anthropology ? Discuss the history and development of prehistory in India. Briefly discuss its scope.
  3. Discuss the Mesolithic cultures of Europe.
  4. What is Excavation? Briefly examine different types of excavation in archaeology.
  5. Discuss the importance of quaternary period in human evolution.
  6. What is the Dating method? Briefly comment on different methods of relative dating in archaeology.
  7. Briefly discuss the main characteristic features of Indus Valley Civilization.
  8. Describe the stone tool of Mesolithic and Neolithic cultures.
  9. Briefly describe stone tool types of Lower Palaeolithic culture with suitable examples and diagrams.
  10. Briefly comment on the stone tool making techniques of Upper Palaeolithic culture.
  11. Comment on various types of exploration in archaeological studies.
  12. Give an account of the archeological site ‘Attirampakkam’.
  13. Write a note on Megalithic culture.
  14. Write note on: Isampur, Iron Age, Dmanisi, Pleistocene Epoch

Subject: BPSE144 Introduction to South Asia

  1. Explain the presence of great powers in shaping the foreign policy of South Asian countries. OR How do the external powers influences the geopolitics of South Asia?
  2. Discuss the 2nd phase of Taliban Rule in Afghanistan and its impact on South Asia. OR Write a note on Taliban.
  3. What are the main ecological crises in South Asia ? What could be done to minimize the damage ? OR Explain changing trends of development and their impact on  environment in South Asia.
  4. Explain Multiculturism OR Discuss the patterns of diversity and pluralism in South Asia. OR Explain Ethnic Landscape in South Asia OR Describe dynamics of cultural and linguistic plurality in South Asia.  OR  What are main linguistic divisions in South Asia? Explain.
  5. Explain the geo-strategic importance of South Asia.
  6. Write a note on Security Dynamics of South Asia.   OR Explain the Nuclear Security dilemma in South Asia.
  7. Define Human Development and discuss the challenges to it.OR What are the challenges for South Asian countries to achieve human development? Explain. OR Human Development Index in South Asia.
  8. Explain The ‘Global War on Terror’ OR What is Terrorism ? Do you think Pakistan has become the epicentre of terrorism ? Explain. OR Write a note on Cross-Border Terrorism.  OR Explain the geo-strategic importance of Afghanistan. Is the First and Second phase of Taliban going to be a challenge for South Asia ? OR Write a note on Balochistan Liberation Army. OR Highlight dynamics of Global War on Terrorism in South Asia.
  9. Explain ethnic conflicts in South Asia.
  10. Explain Ganga Water Treaty OR Explain Indus Water Treaty OR Explain River Disputes in South Asia
  11. Explain the impacts of the Cold War in South Asia. OR Explain South Asia politics during Cold War.
  12. Explain the armed conflicts in Sri Lanka and Afghanistan.  OR Write a note on Political structure in Sri Lanka.  OR Write a note on LTTE in Sri Lanka
  13. Elucidate the role of the Civil Society in South Asia. OR Define civil society. Discuss the important elements and role of civil society organisations in South Asia.  OR Describe Radical perspectives of civil society.
  14. Write a note on Nepal’s Political System.
  15. Highlight the role of Media in South Asia OR  Highlight the role of Social Media in South Asia 

Subject: BECC131 Principles of Microeconomics-I (Updated with TEE June 2024 Questions) (Only Theory)

  1. What are the different concepts of elasticity of demand ? Explain.
  2. “The elasticity of supply lies between zero and infinity.” Explain with the help of diagrams.
  3. Define average cost, average variable cost and marginal cost and explain their relationship.
  4. Why does a production possibility curve concave to the origin ? Give reasons. OR Discuss the concept of production possibility curve. Can production possibility curve shift? OR Explain the concept of Production Possibility Curve (PPC) and highlight the problem of unemployment and inefficient use of factors of production. Can PPC be a straight line ?
  5. Discuss the relationship between long-run average cost curve and long-run marginal cost curve. Are long-run cost curves always „U‟- shaped ?Or What is the relationship between long run Marginal cost and Long run Average cost curve? Explain the concept of long period Economic Efficiency using a diagram.
  6. What are Isoquants ? Draw isoquants in case (ii) of (i) perfect substitutes and perfect complementary factors of production.
  7. What are the ‘Ridge Lines’ ? Explain why a producer always produces between these ‘Ridge Lines’ ?
  8. What is price consumption curve ? Show that the price effect is the sum of income effect and substitution effect.
  9. Explain Positive vs Normative Economics
  10. Explain Stock Variable vs Flow Variable.
  11. What do you mean by consumer equilibrium ? How does a consumer attain the equilibrium in the multi-commodity case ? Give illustration.
  12. Explain the law of diminishing marginal utility. In what case(s) may this law not apply ?
  13. Distinguish between extension of supply and an increase in supply.
  14. What is meant by Arbitrage?
  15. Draw an income consumption curve in case the good marked on the horizontal axis is a necessity good while that marked on the vertical axis is a superior good.
  16. Who does bear the tax burden when the demand is perfectly elastic and supply is of normal shape?

Subject: BECC134 Principles of Macroeconomics-II (Updated with TEE June 2024 Questions)

  1. What is meant by inflation ? Discuss the types of inflation. Discuss the impact of inflation on various sections of society.
  2. What is natural rate of unemployment ? Describe the various types of unemployment.
  3. Why does an Aggregate Demand (AD) curve slope downwards ? Give reasons for a shift in the AD curve to the right. Discuss the factors that influence the AD curve.
  4. In the IS-LM model, explain how adjustments in the economy take place, to maintain the equilibrium.
  5. Explain the Phillips curve with the help of a diagram. Why is it vertical in the long-run ? Reconcile between the shape of the Phillips curve in the short run and long run.
  6. Explain how the LM curve is derived. Discuss the factors that determine the slope and position of the LM curve.
  7. What do you understand by Balance of  Payments ? Do you agree with the statement, ‘‘Balance of Payments always balances’’. List your reasons.
  8. Describe the shape of the Aggregate Supply (AS) curve in the medium-run. What are the factors that influence the shape of the AS curve ?
  9. What are the different kinds of exchange rate regimes? State the difference among them. Elucidate the monetary approach to exchange rate determination.
  10. Explain the impact of the expansionary fiscal and monetary policy on equilibrium prices and output.
  11. Explain the concept of stagflation and core inflation.
  12. Explain PPP. State the difference between absolute PPP and relative PPP.
  13. Explain different types of unemployment in the economy.
  14. What are adaptive and rational expectations?
  15. What is Consumer Price Index (CPI) and Wholesale Price Index (WPI)?

Subject: BECE145 Indian Economy-I (Updated with TEE June 2024 Questions)

  1. Discuss the issue of “regional divergence in inequality” in India.
  2. Examine the concept of ‘sectoral divergence in inequality’ in India.
  3. Analyse the linkage of poverty with factors influencing its alleviation. OR Explain the approach adopted in India to measure poverty. OR Outline the recent measures initiated to combat poverty in India during the post-2010 years.
  4. Explain the different methods of measurement of poverty.
  5. Discuss the different approaches to development.
  6. Analyse the trends in inequality in terms of ‘income, consumption and nutrition’ in India.
  7. Write a note on the comparative economic growth profile of India with other countries over a long-term time frame of 1961 – 2018.
  8. Outline the features of different health policies implemented in India. Identify the factors contributing to increasing health expenditure in India.
  9. Specify a framework for drawing a comparative profile of countries for their social and economic development. OR Highlight the principal differences in the economic growth profiles of India with those of Sri Lanka and China. OR Give an account of deficits of development in India in comparison to other economies.
  10. Outline the challenges and constraints for infrastructure development in India.  OR Discuss the importance of infrastructure in the development of a country.
  11. Explain the trends in ‘demographic transition’ in India.
  12. What is labour force ? How is rate of unemployment estimated ?
  13. What does the population pyramid depict? How does it differ between the developing and the developed countries?
  14. Differentiate between the following:
  • Government and Governance
  • QALY and DALY
  • Natural resources and Manmade resources
  • Growth and Development
  • Human Capital and Human Development
  • Preventive and Curative Health Care Needs
  • Social Infrastructure, Physical Infrastructure and economic Infrastructure
  • Horizontal Inequality and Vertical Inequality
  • WFPR and LFPR
  1. Write a short note on:
  • CDS of employment
  • CWS of Employment
  • Poverty Gap Index (PGI).
  • Current Account deficit
  • BoP
  • Structural Change
  • National Food Security Act, 2013
  • ICOR

Subject: BPAE144 Social Policies and Administration

  1. Explain the concept of social policy and its principles.  OR Explain the concept and objectives of social policy. OR Explain the concept of social policy and examine its characteristics.
  2. Describe the role of government entities involved in social policy and administration.
  3. Write a note on poverty estimation methods in India and the current level of poverty.
  4. Make an appraisal of implementation of Mahatma Gandhi National Rural Employment Guarantee Scheme (MGNREGS).
  5. Explain the salient features of the National Food Security Act, 2013 and examine the public distribution system, as existing in the  country.
  6. Examine the role of the National Commission for Scheduled Castes and National Commission for Scheduled Tribes. OR Describe the constitutional safeguards meant for Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes. Or Highlight the major features of Department of Social Justice and Empowerment. OR Discuss briefly the role of Welfare of Other Backward Classes Division.
  7. Elucidate the role of non-governmental organizations and community based organizations in promoting de-addiction and ensuring social justice for sexual minorities. OR Examine the role of de-addiction centre run by non-government organisations.
  8. What are the dimensions of social entrepreneurship and what are its linkages with sustainable development goals ?
  9. The National Education Policy 2020 seeks to reflect SDG 4 goals on education.’ Elucidate.
  10. Cite about various initiatives undertaken by the Barefoot College towards financial empowerment of the communities in Rajasthan.
  11. What are the key policy principles of National Health Policy 2017?

Subject: BSOE146 Family, Marriage and Kinship

  1. Write a note on Kathleen Gough study of marriage among the Nayars of Kerala.
  2. Explain Levi Strauss’ elementary structure of marriage exchange. OR In what way is kinship based on alliance according to Levi-Strauss ?
  3. Examine the differences between ‘pure’ and ‘fictive’ kinship forms.
  4. Discuss the feminist perspective of family.
  5. What are the social functions of kinship  systems ?
  6. Write a note on post-modern family.
  7. Bring out the difference between descriptive and classificatory forms of kinship.
  8. Critically examine the  descent approach to the study of kinship
  9. Explain  the caste and gender inter-sectionality in kinship.
  10. Discuss the social significance of New Reproductive Technologies or NRT.
  11. Write a note on family of choice.

Subject: BPSE146 Conflict Resolution and Peace Building

  1. Discuss the concept of conflict. Examine the sources of conflict.
  2. Write a note on the types and levels of conflict.
  3. Write a note on the role of civil society in conflict resolution.
  4. What is the Role of national and international organisations in conflict resolution.  OR Examine the role of United Nations in maintaining International Peace.
  5. Write a note on post-conflict rebuilding and rehabilitation.
  6. Discuss different kinds of threats in international conflict
  7. Write a note on conflict management and resolution.
  8. Discuss the different perspectives on peace.
  9. Explain different theoretical approaches of conflict. Discuss also the ‘nature versus nature’ debate.
  10. What are the life cycles of conflict? How is crisis prevention different from crisis management?
  11. Write a note on Relative Deprivation Theory.
  12. Explain the obstacles to interreligious dialogue and risks involved in it.      

BPAC132 Administrative Thinkers

  1. Explain the organisation and structure of administrative machinery at the centre as described in the Arthashastra. OR ‘Kautilya’s organisation structure of administrative machinery at the central level was well thought of’. Explain.
  2. Write a note on principles of organisation as specified by Henri Fayol.
  3. Describe the basic concepts of scientific management given by Frederick Taylor.
  4. Discuss Elton Mayo’s experiments and examine their outcome.
  5. Discuss Maslow’s theory of motivation.
  6. Critically evaluate the Abraham hierarchy of needs theory.
  7. Max Weber identified different types of authority structures. Comment
  8. Examine the major contributions of Peter Drucker.
  9. “Chris Argyri’s theories have very significant theoretical underpinnings.” Comment.
  10. Describe the major principles of Gandhian concept of Swaraj.
  11. “Administration and politics are two distinct domains.’’ Discuss with reference to Woodrow Wilson’s views.
  12. Bring out the contribution of Dwight Waldo to New Public Administration.
  13. List out the bases of Integration as suggested by M.P.Follett.

Subject: BPAE142 Organisational Behaviour

  1. Explain the meaning and models of organisational behaviour.
  2. Describe the types of organisational culture.
  3. Write a note on importance and benefits of team work.
  4. Discuss the different types of organizational conflicts.
  5. Describe the meaning, types and components of Attitude.
  6. Examine the different theories of learning.
  7. ‘Communication is of different types and plays an important role in organisation.’ Elaborate.
  8. Examine the different types of leadership.
  9. Explain the different approaches to Negotiation.
  10. “Needs of employees in an organisation are arranged hierarchically.” Elaborate in the light of Hierarchy of Needs theory.
  11. Elaborate the various approaches and techniques of managing stress.
  12. What do you mean by BATNA and ZOPA?
  13. Explain the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI).
  14. Write a short note on Existence Relatedness Growth or ERG theory.
  15. Comment on Lewin’s three-step model.

Subject: BPYC-131 Indian Philosophy (Updated with TEE June 2024 Questions)

  1. Describe the salient features of Indian Philosophy.
  2. Write a note on Anumana Pramana of Nyaya. How does the Carva ka philosophy criticize Anumana ?
  3. Write a note on the underpinnings of the a. philosophical Ramayan.
  4. What are the philosophical implications of Tajjalaniti ?
  5. How does Samkhya prove the existence of Prakriti ?  OR How does Sa mkya philosophy prove the existence of Purus . a and Prakriti ? Explain.
  6. Describe the nature of Bondage in Kashmir Saivism.
  7. Discuss the theory of causation given by Samkhaya Philosophy.
  8. Write a note on the division of Indian philosophical schools.
  9. How does Mundaka Upanisad establish the identity between Jiva and Brahman ?
  10. Discuss the nature of Moksa as given by Sankracharya.
  11. Make a distinction between Kevala Pramana and Anupramana.
  12. Explain Nyaya theory of Asatkaryavada.
  13. Delineate the philosophy of Bhagvadgita.
  14. Highlight the five kinds of knowledge according to Jainism.
  15. What is perception? Explian Nyaya’s theory of perception.
  16. Write a note on Astānga Yoga?
  17. Write a short note on the various types of Abhāva (Negation) in Vaiśeṣika school.
  18. Write a note on the Madhva’s idea of God.
  19. Write a note on:
  • Pasu
  • Upamāna
  • Śruti
  • Aparā and Para Vidyā
  • Asamprajnāt and Samprajnāt Samādhi

Subject: BSOE142 Indian Sociological Traditions

  1. What did Ramkrishna Mukherjee mean by ‘Sociology of Indian Sociology’ ? Discuss.
  2. Discuss A. R. Desai’s viewpoint on role of the state in capitalist transformation in India.
  3. Discuss Ghurye’s notion of caste.
  4. Explain Radhakamal Mukerjee’s use of anchiortive approach to urban social problems.
  5. Outline D.P. Mukerji’s view on the role of tradition in Indian society?
  6. Discuss N. K. Bose’s civilizational view of Indian society.
  7. List the fundamental elements of nation-building outlined by Srinivas.
  8. Compare the Bombay School with Lucknow School in the Discipline of Sociology.
  9. Discuss Elwin’s contribution towards the issue of tribal identity.
  10. What were the factors that led to increased focus on women in Leela Dube’s work?
  11. In which areas were research interests of Irawati Karve concentrated?

Subject: BANC133 Fundamentals of Social and Cultural Anthropology

  1. Define the concept of Social and Cultural Anthropology. Discuss its scope. OR What is the relationship between anthropology and sociology
  2. Define culture. Is culture a social construct ? Discuss with examples. OR Define culture. Discuss the various concepts of culture.
  3. Define family. Discuss the different types of families and the functions of a family.
  4. What is feminism ? Discuss its approaches in anthropology.
  5. Discuss fieldwork tradition in Anthropology.  Discuss the tools and techniques used in field- work. Differentiate between questionnaire and interview schedule.
  6. What is kinship ? Analyse incest taboos and kinship affiliations.
  7. Define gender. Discuss gender and labour. Discuss Gender and society
  8. Define marriage. Discuss marriage as a social institution and the changing dynamics in the present.
  9. Write a note on:
  • Genealogy
  • Status and Role
  • Evolutionism and Neoevolutionism
  • Report writing
  • Survey method
  • Interview method

Subject: BECC133 Principles of Macroeconomics-I (Theory Questions only)

  1. Explain circular flow of income in an open economy with the help of a diagram. Also describe the relationship between leakages and injections
  2. Outline the steps involved in the estimation of National Income by Income method. How is the Income method different from the Expenditure method in measuring National Income ?
  3. What are the objectives of Monetary Policy ? Describe the instruments that a Central Bank can use to control inflation.
  4. Explain the concept of Keynesian cross by using appropriate diagram.
  5. Discuss the concept of quantitative easing and its impact on money supply.
  6. Explain the concept of investment multiplier. What is its importance in the Keynesian model ? What are its limitations ?
  7. Explain the salient features of classical theory of output and employment. How is it different from the Keynesian theory ?
  8. In the Keynesian framework, explain how equilibrium output is determined in an open economy.
  9. Explain Balanced Budget Multiplier
  10. What is meant by Net Exports ? What are the factors that influence net exports ? Under what circumstances could net exports of an economy be negative ?
  11. Give a brief account of demand for money according to Keynes.
  12. Distinguish between balance of payments and balance of trade. Explain why balance of payments always balance.
  13. Explain Production Possibility Curve with the help of diagram.

Subject: BHIE142 History of Modern East Asia: Japan (C.1868–1945)

  1. Write a note on the Tokugawa Period in  Japan.
  2. Discuss the nature of the Meiji political system.
  3. Analyse chief characteristic  features of Japan’s pre-modern economy and its transformation in the Meiji period. OR Describe some of the important opposition voices to the Meiji rule.
  4. Write a note on the process of Japanese imperialist expansion in the early twentieth century.
  5. Examine the rise of militarism in Japan after 1930.
  6. Discuss the political and economic implications of the Allied occupation of Japan.
  7. Discuss Japan’s emergence as an economic power.
  8. Explain the The Rice Riot of 1918 and its Aftermath.
  9. Discuss the Anglo-French rivalry in Japan.
  10. Write Note on the below:
  • Approaches for studying Japanese history
  • Rise of Trade Unions in Japan
  • Japan and the Indian National Army
  • Samurai
  • Zaibatsu
  • Sericulture in Japan
  • Peoples Rights Movement in Japan

Subject: BHIE143 History of Environment (Updated with TEE June 2024 Questions)

  1. Write a note on understanding the history of conservation of nature
  2. Define ‘Green Imperialism’. Assess the role of European colonialism towards Green Imperialism.
  3. Explain Role of NGOs in environmental conservation and restoration in contemporary India
  4. What were the important features of the National Health Policy of 2002 ?
  5. What do you understand by the term ‘ecofeminism’ ? Discuss.
  6. How were forests viewed during the period of ancient Indian river valley civilizations and the Vedic period ? Comment.
  7. Do you agree with Richard Grove’s critique of Alfred Crosby’s concept of ‘ecological imperialism’ ?
  8. Comment on the growth of the Greenpeace Movement.
  9. Explain the importance of forest and water as given in Indian philosophy.
  10. Examine the importance of conservation for sustainability. Discuss the practices in the colonial period. conservation
  11. Discuss the relationship of nomadic communities with the environment.

Subject: BPSC131 Introduction to Political Theory (Updated with TEE June 2024 Questions)

  1. Explain the concept of censorship. Examine the relationship between liberty and censorship.
  2. Trace the evolution of the concept of citizenship. Discuss the communitarian theory of citizenship. OR Describe the general determining factors for entitlement of citizenship.
  3. ‘Political theory is dead.’ Comment. Discuss major approaches to study political theory.
  4. Elaborate the inter-relationship of equality and liberty.
  5. Explain theory of natural rights. OR What is meant by rights ? How are rights different from claims ? Discuss.
  6. Discuss the Marxist critique of freedom. OR Discuss the Marxist critique of Liberty.
  7. What is Social Justice ? Explain.
  8. Discuss the interrelationship of gender and politics.
  9. Elaborate on the relationship between the state and civil society.
  10. Discuss equality of opportunity.
  11. What are J.S. Mill’s notions of Liberty’? Explain.
  12. Elaborate upon justice as a term of synthesis.
  13. Write a note on politics as a political activity.
  14. What are Isaiah Berlin’s ‘Two concepts of Liberty’? Explain.
  15. Explain liberal-individualistic understanding of state.
  16. Explain Feminist theory to understand inequality and politics.
  17. Examine Isaiah Berlin’s two concepts of Liberty.

Subject: BPSE141 Gandhi and the Contemporary World (Updated with TEE June 2024 Questions)

  1. Discuss Gandhi’s concept of Swaraj.
  2. Explain the concept of Satyagraha and its contemporary relevance.
  3. How did Mahatma Gandhi’s early life experiences shape his later activism ?
  4. Describe Gandhi’s concept of Swadeshi.
  5. Critically examine the different non –violent movements led by Mahatma Gandhi
  6. Write a note on Environmental Movements in India.
  7. Critically examine Gandhi’s conception of modern civilization and alternative modernity.
  8. Discuss Gandhi critique of development. OR What is new the concept of development? Critically examine Gandhi’s thoughts on development.
  9. Elaborate upon Gandhi’s concept of Trusteeship.
  10. Describe Gulabi Gang.
  11. Explain Shahbano Case.
  12. Why is Pacifism important for conflict resolution? 

Subject: BSOE143 Environmental Sociology

  1. Examine the nature of human and environment interaction.
  2. What do you understand by the term ecological complex ? Explain.
  3. Trace the evolution of social ecology as a subdiscipline. Explain social ecology with regards to Indian context.
  4. Discuss the origins of the notion of ‘Risk’.
  5. Explain the relationship between gender and environment.
  6. Discuss Radhakamal Mukherji’s concern for Ecology.
  7. Discuss the term ‘political ecology.
  8. Write a note on air pollution in India.
  9. Discuss the nature of Beej Bachao Andolan movement in Uttarakhand.
  10. What do you understand by the term Authropocene ? Discuss.
  11. Discuss the colonial outlook on land and forest in India.
  12. Discuss the emergence of Narmada Bachao Andolan.  OR Examine the main features  the Anti-dam movements in India.
  13. What do you understand by the term ecological justice ? Explain.
  14. Write a note on the Treadmill of Production Theory.
  15. Write a note on Chipko Movement.
  16. What do you understand by the term ecofeminism?
  17. How is material desires socially constructed? Explain with examples.
  18. Write a note on Medha Patkar.

Subject: BSOE148 Social Stratification (Updated with TEE June 2024 Questions)

  1. What do you understand by mobility ? Differentiate between Intragenerational and Intergenerational mobility.
  2. Explain Marx’s understanding on class.
  3. What did Weber mean by ‘Life chances’ ? Explain with examples.
  4. Discuss Kingsley Davis and Wilbert Moore’s approach to the study of stratification.
  5. What do you mean by social stratification ? Describe its organizing principles.
  6. Describe the various approaches to caste. OR Explain the various facets of caste system in India.
  7. What do you understand by ethnicity ? Write a brief note on ethnic minorities.
  8. Define and discuss the concept of race.
  9. Discuss the functional approaches of social stratification.

Subject: BESC133 Curriculum, Teaching  E-Learning and Assessment

  1. Explain the types of assessment based on its purpose, data and domain.
  2. Discuss the pedagogical considerations to be kept in mind while designing the curriculum.  Discuss the issues associated with curriculum development.
  3. Write a note on learning outcomes at higher education level.
  4. Elaborate the concept of Choice-Based Credit System (CBCS).
  5. What is a learning style ? Explain the different types of learning style.
  6. Discuss Piaget’s theory of Child Development and Learning, highlighting its implications for curriculum and practice.
  7. Elaborate the various principles involved in the selection of learning experiences.
  8. Describe the various types of curriculum. Elaborate the various principles of curriculum planning.
  9. Distinguish between the concepts of classroom management and classroom organization. How are they related to each other ?
  10. What are the advantages of having curriculum at the local and national levels ?
  11. What do you understand by ‘diversity in classrooms’ ? Discuss the various types of diversity.
  12. Discriminate between cognitive and non-cognitive abilities. Why do we assess  non-cognitive abilities of learners?
  13. Differentiate between Online and On-Demand Examinations.
  14. Select any one subject from high school curriculum and analyze the curricular and co- curricular activities used for the effective curriculum transaction of the subject. Examine to what extent the National Curriculum Framework (NCF 2005) has been adopted for its  effective implementation.   

Subject: BESC134 Education as a Practice (Updated with TEE June 2024 Questions) (Theory Questions Only)

  1. Describe the basic steps to carry out an action research with suitable examples.
  2. Explain the concept of Normal Probability Curve (NPC). Describe the properties of NPC with suitable example.
  3. Explain the key features of Right to Education (RTE) Act, 2009.
  4. Describe the main features of Lok Jumbish Pariyojana and Programme, Eklavya Educational Programme.
  5. How are planning, executing and implementation of educational policies as important as formation of the educational policies ? Explain.
  6. What are the steps to be followed in identification of research problem ?
  7. Discuss the role of National Achievement Survey (NAS) in improvement of educational practices.
  8. Why does a researcher need to do review of related literature ?
  9. What are the advantages and drawbacks of E-learning ?
  10. What is Nali-Kali Project? In what ways it was an innovative project.
  11. Explain the main features of ‘ Kasturaba Gandhi Balika Vidyalaya’?
  12. What are the different types of Interviews? What steps will you follow while conducting an interview?
  13. What do you understand by tools and techniques of research? Discuss meaning, importance and limitation of any three research tools.

Subject: BGGCT135 Environmental Geography (Updated with TEE June 2024 Questions)

  1. What is Biome ? Name any six major biomes of the world.
  2. What are air pollution and air pollutants ? Name any four major sources of air pollutants.
  3. Name any four Millennium Development Goals (MDGs).
  4. What is Kyoto Protocol ? Name any four Greenhouse Gases (GHGs) that are mentioned under Kyoto Protocol for reduction.
  5. Explain any three impacts of environment on humans in the equatorial regions.
  6. What is climate change ? How can we say that the present climate change is human induced ? Discuss in detail any two indicators that provide evidences of climate change.
  7. Discuss briefly any five environmental problems in the mountainous regions of the world.
  8. What is environmental standard ? Differentiate between primary and secondary standards. Describe water quality standards given by World Health Organisation and Bureau of Indian Standards.
  9. Describe any five Government of India initiatives towards sustainable development of natural environment.
  10. What is ecosystem? Describe the structure of ecosystem with neat diagram.
  11. Describe about water pollution and sources of water pollutants with suitable examples.
  12. Explain two-way processes of human-environment relationship in the mountainous regions with suitable examples.
  13. What are the major environmental problems confronted by the desert regions of the world? Explain various measures adopted to address such environmental problems.
  14. Describe types of wastes based on their state in nature. Explain effects of solid and liquid wastes on public health and environment with examples.
  15. Write Salient features of New Environmental Policy of India 2006
  16. Write a note on United Nations Convention on Biological Diversity.
  17. What is environmental monitoring ? Discuss three basic types of activities and methods involved in the process of environmental monitoring.
  18. Give a brief account of Nagoya Protocol.
  19. Briefly describe the ecological importance of coastal regions.
  20. What is Soil Pollution ? Describe in detail about various causes of soil pollution.

Subject: BHIC131 (Updated with TEE June 2024 Questions)

  1. Discuss the chief characteristics of the Palaeolithic cultures of India.
  2. Discuss the geographical spread of the Harappan civilization. OR Discuss the various aspects of the society and religion of the Harappan people.
  3. What do you ‘Mahajanapadas’ mean ? by Describe the term 16 mahajanapadas of the 6th century BCE in brief.
  4. Outline the major events that led to the establishment of mauryan rule.
  5. Outline History of Satavahana Dynasty.
  6. Describe the salient features of later Vedic polity and society.
  7. Write an essay on the evolution of political society in early Tamilaham.
  8. Describe Alexander’s invasion of India.
  9. Write a note on The Kushanas

Subject: BHIC132 History of India (From c. 300 To 1206)

  1. Discuss the features of Puranic Hinduism that developed from c. 300 – 1200 CE.
  2. Elucidate the rise and proliferation of castes during the period c. 700 – 1200 CE. How did it bring about a social transformation ?
  3. Discuss the economic structure in the  post-Gupta period.
  4. Describe the economy of South India during 3rd-6th Century C.E.
  5. Discuss the nature of monarchical polities of the Kadambas and the Chalukyas of Badami.
  6. Write a note on the debates on the origins of the Rajputs.
  7. Discuss the growth of Bhakti Movement in the post-Gupta period.
  8. Write a note on the evolution of Pallava architecture.
  9. Discuss the extent of Harsha’s empire on the basis of his military campaigns.
  10. Outline the main features of tripartite  struggle between the Gurjara-Pratiharas, Palas and Rastrakutas.
  11. Write a note on Plunder of Mathura and Somnath by Mahmud.
  12. Describe the expansion and consolidation of Gupta Empire by Samudragupta and Chandragupta II.
  13. Throw light on the rise and fall of Rashtrakuta Empire.
  14. Throw light on the importance of Chachnama as a historical source.

Subject: BPAS184 Logistics Management

  1. Bring out the key activities in Logistics Management Cycle. OR Write a note in brief on the principles, activities, and classification of logistics.
  2. Examine the conceptual framework and techniques of inventory control.
  3. Bring out the significance of material handling.
  4. Discuss the role of Logistics Information System.
  5. Describe the technology applications of Logistics Information Systems. Also Discuss the requirements and components of logistics information system.
  6. “Customer satisfaction is the degree to which customer expectations are met.” Elucidate.
  7. Discuss the various modes of transportation that play a key role in Logistics Management.
  8. What are the components of Logistics Information System ?
  9. ‘There are certain protocols to be adhered to in implementation of green logistics strategies and measures.’ Elaborate.
  10. Discuss the importance of logistics management.
  11. Discuss the steps in procurement process.
  12. List the benefits of outsourcing logistics management activities
  13. Bring out the challenges to effective logistics management.
  14. State the operating objectives of logistics.

Subject: BPAS186 Stress And Management (Updated with TEE June 2024 Questions)

  1. Examine the preventive stress management techniques for an organisation at the primary stage.
  2. Explain any five significant techniques of time management.
  3. What are the main sources of stress ? OR What are the major sources of workplace stress ?
  4. Discuss the meaning and significance of time management.
  5. What are the major distractions at the workplace ?
  6. “Damaging consequences of stress can be observed on our physiological system.” Discuss.
  7. Write a note on managing stress through better time management.
  8. Explain the major causes of procrastination and suggest suitable remedies.
  9. Examine the major approaches to time management.
  10. Discuss the major approaches to stress.
  11. Describe the General Adaptation Syndrome with the help of a diagramme.
  12. Distinguish between the Efficiency Approach and Effectiveness Approach to time Management.
  13. What are the five stages of burnout?
  14. Discuss the 80/20 principle.

Subject: BANS184 Public Health and Epidemiology        

  1. Define public health. Give an account of public health care services in India.
  2. What is epidemiology ? Briefly discuss various categories of observational studies and types of descriptive studies.
  3. What is healthcare? Briefly discuss its importance in the management of COVID-19.
  4. Briefly discuss the role of Government of India in promotion of public health.
  5. Define environmental health. What are the effects of biological, chemical and physical agents in water on human health ? Discuss.
  6. Briefly discuss the effect of biological, chemical and physical agents in air on human health.
  7. Briefly discuss national health programs in India.   OR Briefly comment on the role of public health sector in India.
  8. Briefly discuss the role of NGO’s in health sector of India.
  9. Write a note on the below:
  • Epidemic and pandemic
  • Random Sampling
  • Chi-square (χ2) test.
  • SPSS
  • Chronic diseases
  • Communicable and Non Communicable diseases
  • Gender and health
  • T test

Subject: BPCS186 Managing Stress

  1. Describe the models of stress.
  2. Explain perfectionism, hostility and learned helplessness as factors contributing to stress proneness.
  3. Discuss the concept and nature of coping. Describe various styles of coping with stress.
  4. Discuss the effect of stress on health and relationship. OR Describe the effect of stress on performance and productivity.
  5. Explain the concept of time management with a focus on time management matrix.
  6. Explain the concept of stress and discuss how stress can be measured.
  7. Explain how effective communication can play a role in enhancing interpersonal skills.
  8. Define stress and explain its sources.
  9. Explain Fight and Flight Response and General Adaptation Syndrome.
  10. Elucidate Type A Personality. Explain the moderators of stress.
  11. Describe cognitive restructuring with a focus on ABCDE technique.
  12. Describe relaxation techniques, meditation and mindfulness as techniques of stress management.  OR Explain meditation and Yoga as techniques of stress management.
  13. Elucidate biofeedback.
  14. Explain conflict resolution with a focus on its strategies
  15. Describe various steps involved in problem solving
  16. Describe Perfectionism. Discuss various moderators of stress.

Subject: BPCS188 Application of Social Psychology (Updated with TEE June 2024 Questions)

  1. Discuss the different research methods used in applied social psychology research. OR Explain the major sampling techniques used in applied social psychology research.
  2. What is the Distinction between basic and applied social psychology
  3. Describe the roles and functions of applied social psychologists.
  4. Explain cognitive dissonance theory and discuss its application.
  5. Discuss the different processes of attitude formation.
  6. Explain the applications of social psychology to health and well-being. OR Explain the biopsychosocial model by George Engel. Describe the factors of health and wellbeing.
  7. Discuss the social problems with reference to India.
  8. Discuss Bandura’s social learning theory
  9. Define intervention. Elucidate the different types and steps of intervention.

Subject: BCOS184 Ecommerce

  1. State the various advantages and disadvantages of E-commerce.
  2. The main aim of cyber security is to help make the business more successful. Comment
  3. Differentiate between  App based business and Web based business
  4. Differentiate between Digital Signature and Electronic Signature
  5. AI and IOT will transform both the internet and the global economy. Comment
  6. Explain the term “Operating System‟. Distinguish between „Linux‟ and „Windows‟ with the help of an example.
  7. What do you mean by e-Governance ? How do you differentiate between e-Government and eGovernance ?
  8. “ ‘EFT’ is an electronic method for transferring funds from one account to another, either within a financial institution or across multiple institutions.” Elucidate the above statement.
  9. Differentiate between NEFT, UPI, RTGS and IMPS.
  10. Explain the term ‘e-publishing’. Discuss various online publishing approaches.
  11. ‘Payment gateway’ is essentially a bridge or connection pathway between the customers and the relevant financial institutions. Comment.
  12. Differentiate between Information security and Cyber security , Spoofing and Sniffing , Offences and Punishment related to cyber crime
  13. Online web based learning is schooling that happens over the Internet. Comment.
  14. What is IT Act, 2000 ? Compare and contrast  IT Act, 2000 and IT Amendment Act, 2008.
  15. Write a note on Architectural
  • Framework of E-Commerce
  • E-tailing
  • Software Development Life Cycle (SDLC)

Subject: BCOS186 Personal Selling and Salesmanship (Updated with TEE June 2024 Questions)

  1. What do you mean by salesforce management ? Explain the process of salesforce management with the help of examples.
  2. If you have to sell a product of your choice to a prospect, what steps would you follow to materialize the sales ? Which one is the most crucial step, according to you, in the selling process and why ?
  3. What do you understand by buying motives ? Explain the application and types of buying motives in personal selling with the help of examples.
  4. What is the difference between prospecting and qualifying ? Explain the major methods of prospecting in the sales process with examples.
  5. Explain various types of prospect categories and respective strategies to deal with them. (b) Discuss various sales presentation strategies.
  6. Explain various sources of recruitment of sales force in an organisation. (b) Discuss the selection process of sales force in an organisation.
  7. Watch a sales presentation online or in person, evaluate the salesperson’s engagement, product communication, objection handling, and closing skills. Provide constructive feedback on strengths and suggest improvements.
  8. Describe ethical and legal issues in selling with suitable examples.
  9. Explain Maslow’s theory of need hierarchy.
  10. Explain the importance of Sales Reports. (b) Enlist the salient features of a good sales report with example.
  11. Explain the situations when one can use personal selling. Discuss the process of personal selling with examples.

Subject: BEGS 185 English Language Teaching (Updated with TEE June 2024 Questions)

  1. Explain the types of tests and their purposes.
  2. Suggest ways to make English language learning meaningful for disadvantaged/ under privileged learners.
  3. Discuss text-book evaluation procedures. OR Discuss procedures. the material adaptation procedures.
  4. What are the major difficulties in auditory discrimination ? Discuss.
  5. What are audio-verbal difficulties ? Explain the remedial measures you would take to address these difficulties.
  6. Discuss Empirical Evaluation.
  7. Discuss the procedures for supporting autonomous learning.
  8. Explain the following: (i) Research Tools (ii) Podcasts (iii)Social Networking
  9. What is material adaptation ? Discuss the objectives and reasons for material adaptation. What are the important features of materials development ? Elaborate.
  10. Discuss procedures. the material adaptation procedures.
  11. Explain classroom interaction, its aspects and its types.
  12. Discuss the importance of monitoring in the classroom.
  13. What are the various processes or methods used in evaluation ?

Subject: BEGS 186 Business Communication (Updated with TEE June 2024 Questions)

Suggestive Topics for Letter/ Email/ Report/ Dialogue:

  1. Describe Your New Workplace
  2. Career Options
  3. Describe shifting to a new urban/ rural area.
  4. Importance of outdoor activities and harmful impact of mobile phones.
  5. Peer pressure at school/college/hostel.
  6. Independence Day event organised at your institution
  7. Being selected in Indian Badminton Team / Indian cricket team
  8. Importance of maintaining discipline in one’s life.
  9. Increasing role of technology.

Subject BEGC 134 Reading the Novel

  1. Analyze The Awakening as a novel of realism. OR Write a note on the intellectual setting of The Awakening.
  2. Do you agree that Things Fall Apart has universal appeal ? Give reasons.
  3. Highlight the importance of songs and colloquial language in Paraja.
  4. Does Things Fall Apart shed light on Ibo society ? Comment.
  5. Analyse critically the socio- political structure in Paraja, giving suitable examples from the text.
  6. Explain Third World Novels.
  7. Describe Novels of the Diaspora.
  8. Why do you think African writers examine the relationship between literature and society ?
  9. Explain Origins of the Novel.
  10. Discuss Paraja as a text that deals with the economic plight of tribals.

IGNOU Important Questions for BSCG TEE December 2024

Subject: BBYCT 131 Microbiology (Updated with TEE June 2024 Questions)

  1. Describe the life cycle in nannandrous species of Oedogonium.
  2. Discuss the role of bryophytes as ecological indicators.
  3. Differentiate between DNA viruses from RNA viruses with the help of suitable diagram.
  4. Discuss the biological significance of heterospory in pteridophytes. OR Discuss ecological and economic importance of pteridophytes.
  5. Enumerate the unifying characteristics of archegoniates.
  6. Differentiate between Flagella and Pili.
  7. Differentiate between Root of Cycas and Pinus.
  8. Discuss the mechanism of transformation in bacteria with appropriate example and diagram.
  9. Discuss the biological significance of heterospory.
  10. Enumerate the medicinal value of Gymnosperms.
  11. Describe the important uses of lichens.
  12. Differentiate between ectomycorrhiza and endomycorrhiza.
  13. Explain Clamp connection formation in Basidiomycetes.

Important Diagrams:

  • Formation of palmella stage in Chlamydomonas
  • L.S. of male cone of Pinus
  • Life Cycle of Fucus
  • Sexual reproduction in Marchantia
  • Vertical section of thallus of crustose lichen
  • An asexual fruiting body of Penicillium
  • T.S. of needle of Pinus
  • T.S. of stem of Selaginella
  • HIV virus

Subject: BZYET 141 Immunology (Updated with TEE June 2024 Questions)

  1. Define antibodies and draw the structure of immunoglobulin with labelled diagram. Explain its distinct properties and functions.
  2. Define autoimmunity. Describe autoimmune disorders.
  3. Explain the principle of ELISA (Enzyme Linked Immunosorbent Assay) and RIA (Radioimmunoassay).
  4. Explain the different types of hypersensitivity according to Gell and Coombs ?
  5. Discuss different cytokines that act as mediators of innate and adaptive immune systems.
  6. Differentiate between Active immunity and Passive immunity.
  7. Explain the process of B cell and T cell activation.
  8. Differentiate between MHC class-I and II molecules.
  9. Write a note on Opsonisation.
  10. What is vaccine ? Explain the mode of vaccine action. Write about advantages disadvantages of vaccination.
  11. Write a note on Haptens, immunogen and Antigens.
  12. Give any five functions of the macrophage. How does antigen lysis occur by alternate pathway of the complement system? Discuss in brief.
  13. Write a note on Phagocytosis.
  14. Describe the structure of bone marrow with a neat and well-labelled diagram.
  15. Explain Phagocytosis.
  16. Differentiate between Immunoprecipitation and agglutination reactions.
  17. Describe the properties of B-cell Epitopes.
  18. Explain Cell-Mediated Immune response (CMI).
  19. What is an isotype ? Explain different types of isotypes.
  20. Define Mucosa Associated Lymphoid Tissue (MALT) and Human Leucocyte Antigen (HLA)

Subject: BPCS-187 Managing Human Resources (Updated with TEE June 2024 Questions)

  1. Elucidate the meaning of workplace diversity. Describe Hofstede’s model of cultural dimensions.
  2. Explain the concept, types and significance of corporate social responsibility.
  3. Elucidate the meaning and nature of performance appraisal. Explain the modern methods of performance appraisal.
  4. Explain the importance of selection. Describe the techniques of selection.
  5. Explain the concept of employee turnover. Describe the factors affecting employee retention.
  6. Elucidate the term ‘psychological contract’. Discuss employee-employer’s role in career management.
  7. Define Job Analysis. Discuss the uses of Job analysis.Explain the various methods for collecting the job analysis information.
  8. Explain the nature, scope, functions and objectives of Human Resource Management.
  9. Explain the concept of employee engagement and describe the ways in which employee engagement can be promoted.
  10. What is occupational safety? Describe the ways of promoting occupational safety. OR Define accidents. Explain its causes. Describe the ways of preventing accidents.
  11. Describe the nature, approaches and process of employee counselling.
  12. Explain the assessment of designing and implementation of training and development programmes.
  13. Describe sexual harassment 5+5 behaviour. Elucidate the steps to prevent sexual harassment and the laws against sexual harassment.

Subject: BSOS185 Society through the Visual (Updated with TEE June 2024 Questions)

  1. What is ethnography ? Discuss the place of visual in ethnography.
  2. Elucidate the relationship between self, society, photography and subjectivity.
  3. What is hypermedia? Elaborate relationship between multimedia, hypermedia and society.
  4. Write a note on the pioneers who used film and photography as part of their ethnographic work. OR Elucidate the contribution of the anthropologists in making ethnographic films.
  5. Discuss the significance of reflexivity and subjectivity in visual research?
  6. What are some of the handy tips to keep in mind while making an ethnographic film ?
  7. Give an account of Margaret Mead‟s contribution to Visual Anthropology.
  8. What do you understand by the concept of “gaze” ?
  9. Narrate some ethical considerations that must be part of ethnographic research.
  10. What is an ethnographic film ? Discuss.
  11. Examine the relationship between photography and modernity
  12. Explain the ways of incorporating voice of informant illustrations. in the film with suitable examples.
  13. Discuss the processes involved in identifying appropriateness of a visual method.
  14. Discuss the role of multimedia in visual social research.
  15. Write a note on the below:
  • Haptic cinema
  • Jean Rouch
  • Digital Ethnography
  • Visual anthropology

Subject: BGGET-141 Geography of India (Updated with TEE June 2024 Questions)

  1. What are the major physiographic divisions of India? Describe peninsular plateau and Himalayas as a major physiographic division of India showing it on the map.
  2. Discuss the spatial pattern and distribution of metallic minerals (ferrous) in India.
  3. Write a geographical account on the conventional and nonconventional sources of energy resources in India.
  4. Explain the approach to economic regionalisation of India given by Ashok Mitra.
  5. Discuss the major characteristics of forest resources in India.
  6. What are multipurpose river valley projects ? Briefly discuss about the Bhakra Nangal Project.  OR What is a multi-purpose river valley project ? Give a detailed discussion on Damodar River Valley project with reference to its utilities and restoration and conservation activities.  OR What is multi purpose River valley multi purpose project ? What are its important objective ? Discuss in detail the characteristics of any two projects ?
  7. Explain the rapid mass transport system.  Briefly discuss the factors affecting the development of transport network in India.
  8. List any four methods adopted by Galina Sdasyuk and P. Sengupta for the economic regionalisation of India.
  9. Give description of the phasewise industrial development in India.
  10. Write in detail about the Ganga River System with its six major rivers.
  11. Briefly discuss the importance of agriculture in Indian Economy.
  12. Explain the origin of Himalayas and the Northern Plains.
  13. State any eight important characteristics of Indian agriculture. Explain agriculture land use in India.
  14. What is urbanisation ? Explain the urbanisation in India through the perspective of Five-Year Plans.
  15. Discuss ‘Unity in Diversity’ in India.
  16. Explain the importance of Mumbai-Pune Industrial Region.
  17. Describe in detail important characteristics of Indian climate.
  18. What is Green Revolution ? Discuss the main objectives and critically highlight the positive and negative impacts of Green Revolution in India.
  19. Write a detailed amount of Sopheri Scheme socio-cultural regionalization of India.
  20. Differentiate between topography and physiography.
  21. Write a detailed amount of land degradation and highlight its three components.
  22. Explain the various forms of population pyramids and describe pattern of India’s population pyramid.

Subject: BGGET142 Economic Geography

  1. What is mining ? Describe the harmful effects of different methods of mining on landscape and environment.
  2. Discuss the recent trends in the theories of industrial location.
  3. Write a detailed account on tertiary, quaternary and quinary services with suitable examples.
  4. Explain labour force participation rate.
  5. Differentiate wholesale and retail trade with suitable examples.
  6. Discuss any five traditional approaches of Economic Geography.
  7. What are the indicators of development ? Describe the indicators of demography, infrastructure and amenities.
  8. Define resources. Explain three aspects of the functional theory of resources.
  9. Define ‘spatial interaction’ and ‘diffusion’ ? Explain in detail the three factors on which spatial interaction depends.
  10. Write a detailed account on effects of mining on landscape and environment with suitable examples.
  11. Differentiate between ‘system analysis approach’ and ‘institutional approach’.
  12. What is economic geography ? Write a detailed note on scope and nature of economic geography. Describe the relationship between economics and economic geography.
  13. What is industry ? Explain in detail the  agro-based industries with suitable examples.
  14. What are commercial activities ? Discuss various types of commercial activities by citing suitable examples.
  15. What is land use ? Explain in detail the land use classification schemes at national and international levels with suitable examples.
  16. What is dairy farming ? Write a detailed account on dairy farming in India by citing suitable examples.
  17. Discuss any four assumptions adopted by August Losch in his theory of industrial location.
  18. What are metallic minerals ? Discuss three sub-categories of metallic minerals.

Subject: BZYCT131 Animal Diversity (Updated with TEE June 2024 Questions)

  1. Explain Water vascular system in Asteroidea
  2. Describe Metamorphosis and its hormonal control in insects
  3. What are the Factors involved in bird’s flight
  4. Describe the life cycle of Ascaris lumbricoides with the help of an illustration. Add a note on its parasitic adaptations. OR What is parasitic adaptation? Explain the adaptations that have taken place in Ascaris lumbricoides.
  5. List various sensory organs present in the birds. How do they differ from each other structurally and functionally ? Write their significance in the aerial mode of life of birds. OR The special adaptations of birds all contribute to two factors essential for flight namely, more power and less weight. Explain how each of the following contributes to one or the other or both: (i)  Endothermy   (ii) Respiratory system
  6. Describe Water vascular system of starfish
  7. Describe the water vascular system of a seastar.
  8. Explain Osmoregulation in fish OR Explain how the marine fish control the concentration of water and salt balance in their body.
  9. Make a flow chart to show how animals can be classified according to their level of organisation, symmetry, germ layers and developmental patterns.
  10. Describe parental care in amphibians. OR How do amphibians protect their eggs and young ones ? Describe different ways citing suitable examples.
  11. What is Origin of multicellularity in metazoa
  12. List and describe various locomotory organelles in protozoans. Explain how do protozoans use these organelles for their locomotion.
  13. Differentiate between:
  • Artiodactyla and Perissodactyla
  • Venomous snakes and Non-venomous snakes

Subject: BGYCT131 Physical and Structural Geology (Updated with TEE June 2024 Questions)

  1. Define Curie temperature.
  2. Discuss the methods used for studying Earth’s interior.
  3. Explain the principles of plate tectonics.
  4. Give an account on classification of mountains based on the basis of period of origin.
  5. Explain Tsunami
  6. Explain Evidences of seafloor spreading
  7. Describe evidences of orogenic processes.
  8. Explain Field Safety Measures.
  9. Define fault. How is it important in geological studies ?
  10. Describe the properties of seismic waves.
  11. Discuss the criteria for recognition of folds in the field.
  12. Describe the methods used to determine age of the Earth.
  13. Describe constituents of the Earth.
  14. Explain geological work by wind with emphasis on erosional landforms with the help of neat well labelled diagrams.
  15. Give an account of plate tectonic explanation of earthquakes, volcanoes and mountain building.
  16. Give an account on the evolution of the Himalayas.
  17. What is weathering? Describe its types and he factors affecting weathering.
  18. What is a joint? Explain genetic classification of joints giving suitable diagrams.
  19. Discuss plate tectonics explanations of earthquakes, volcanoes, continental drift and sea floor spreading.

Subject: BGYCT133 Crystallography, Minerology and Animal Geology

  1. Define Pleochroism. OR Define pleochroic haloes.
  2. Physical properties of kayanite OR What is the hardness of kyanite ?
  3. Define gangue.OR What do you understand by gangue minerals ?
  4. What are pleochroic haloes ?
  5. Describe the structural classification of silicates with the help of neat well labelled diagrams.
  6. Define cleavage. Explain different types of cleavages found in minerals observed under the polarising microscope. Give examples wherever required. Differentiate between cleavage and parting.
  7. Discuss origin, mode of occurrence and uses of petroleum.
  8. Discuss contact metamorphism and  contact metasomatism processes of ore formation.
  9. Discuss origin, mode of occurrence and uses of gypsum.
  10. Explain crystallographic axes, symmetry elements and forms of normal class of hexagonal system. Draw neat and well- labelled diagrams wherever required. OR Explain crystallographic axes, symmetry elements and forms of normal class of orthorhombic system. OR Discuss the crystallographic axes, symmetry elements and forms of normal class of cubic/isometric crystal system with the help of neat well labeled diagrams.
  11. Discuss origin, mode of occurrence and uses of mica minerals. Describe the physical properties of mica minerals muscovite and biotite.
  12. Define crystal.
  13. What is nesosilicate ?
  14. What is gossan ?
  15. What is nicol prism ? Discuss optical properties of minerals studied between cross nicol.
  16. Physical properties of calcite
  17. Define twinning and discuss the types of twinning present in feldspar group of minerals.  What is polysynthetic twinning ?
  18. Discuss the distribution of petroleum in India.
  19. Give a detailed account of physical properties of minerals depending on light.
  20. Describe in brief the origin of coal and also describe the geographical distribution of coal in India with the help of a neat map.
  21. Clarke and Clarke concentration
  22. Explain the functioning of polarising microscope with the help of neat well labelled diagrams.

Subject: BGGCT131 Physical Geography (Updated with TEE June 2024 Questions)

  1. Give a detailed description of Earth’s interior. Illustrate your answer with a suitable diagram.
  2. What is earth’s crust ? Discuss in detail the concept of continental and oceanic crust.
  3. Give a detailed description of Nebular hypothesis of Laplace. What are the major criticisms to this hypothesis ? OR Critically explain the Gaseous hypothesis of Kant and Nebular hypothesis of Laplace in the origin of Earth and Solar System.
  4. Define precipitation and explain its types with suitable diagrams.
  5. Define isostasy and explain the concept of ‘Isotasy as the Earth’s balance’. Describe the biostatic effects of plate tectonics and icesheets.  Critically analyse Airy’s views on Isostasy and compare his views with Pratt’s theory. Illustrate your answer with suitable diagrams. OR What is isostasy ? Explain in detail Airy’s theory on isostasy with suitable diagram.
  6. Describe the bottom reliefs of Atlantic Ocean. Illustrate your answer with suitable diagrams.
  7. Explain waves, tides and currents and differentiate between them. Explain the process of origin of tides with the help of equilibrium theory of Newton giving suitable diagram.
  8. Describe briefly earth’s internal structure. Illustrate your answer with a suitable diagram.
  9. What are folds ? Explain different types of folds. How are folds formed ?
  10. Explain the factors that affect the distribution of salinity in the oceans.
  11. Briefly explain the different types of atmosphere on the basis of distribution of temperature with height.
  12. Explain any four relief features of Ocean floor with the help of a suitable diagram.
  13. Explain the concept of plate tectonics. Discuss important mechanisms involved in the movement of plates.
  14. Discuss the classification of vertical and horizontal structure  of the atmosphere based on temperature, with suitable diagram.
  15. What are the major categories of Koeppen’s Climatic Classification ? Explain any two of them.
  16. What are the main characteristics of Igneous rocks? Classify Igneous rocks on the basis of place of origin and chemical composition. Distinguish between igneous and sedimentary rocks.
  17. Critically discuss the concept of Cycle of erosion of Penck.
  18. What are planetary winds, seasonal winds and local winds? Explain their phenomenon and describe two examples under each type. Support your answer with neat sketches wherever needed.
  19. Expain in detail the geosynclinal orogen theory of Kober with suitable diagram.
  20. What is dualistic concept ? Critically discuss the Tidal hypothesis of James Jeans and Jeffrey.
  21. What is biome ? Discuss in detail the major types of biomes of the world.
  22. What is crysophere ? Discuss in detail.
  23. What is ocean current ? Explain any four factors affecting ocean currents.
  24. What is galaxy ? Discuss four major types of galaxies as classified by astronomer Edwin Hubble.
  25. Differentiate between trade winds and westerly winds.

Subject: BGYCT137 Stratigraphy and Palaeontology

  1. What is stratigraphic correlation ? What are the methods of stratigraphic correlation ?
  2. Name the five linear divisions of the Himalayas.
  3. Discuss in detail litho-, bio- and chrono-stratigraphic classifications.
  4. Discuss in detail the principles of stratigraphy.
  5. Describe stratigraphic classification, lithology and economic importance of Cuddapah and Vindhyan supergroups.
  6. Describe stratigraphy of Triassic of Spiti and Mesozoic of Kachchh.
  7. List the key morphological features of brachiopods.
  8. Name the important cratons of the Indian peninsula.
  9. Define the terms suture and spire of gastropods.
  10. What is the basis for division of Dharwar into two blocks ?
  11. Name any four formations of the Palaeozoic succession of Kashmir in their ascending order.
  12. Explain Stratigraphy of the upper Siwalik group
  13. Discuss the morphology and geological history of brachiopods.
  14. What are microfossils ? Discuss various types of microfossils.List the important groups of fossils belonging to organic-walled microfossils.
  15. List the important plant fossils of the Gondwana Supergroup of peninsular India.
  16. What is the difference between uniformitarianism and catastrophism ?
  17. What are the characteristic sutures of ammonoids ?
  18. Describe with neat sketches the morphological features of a trilobite.
  19. What are bivalves ? Discuss the morphology of a bivalve.
  20. What is the difference between an angular unconformity and a disconformity ?
  21. List four key morphological features of corals.

Subject: BBYCT135 Plant Anatomy and Embryology

  1. What are Xylary fibers and Extraxylary fibers
  2. Describe the structure of vascular cambium. Differentiate between interfascicular and intrafascicular vascular cambium.
  3. Differentiate between Parenchyma , Collenchyma and  Sclerenchyma
  4. Write a note on  Lateral meristems and Apical meristems OR Explain different types of meristems found in plants with the help of a well labelled diagram.
  5. With the help of well labeled diagram describe the structure of a stomata. Describe the functions of stomata. Classify the stomata on the basis of ontogeny and morphology.
  6. What is Apomixis? Describe the sporophytic and gametophytic apoxixis.
  7. Write a note on Dendrochronology .
  8. Write a note on the nature of endosperm. Describe the different types of endosperm.
  9. Describe any three types of specialized epidermal cells with the help of a well labelled diagram.
  10. Describe the structure of embryo sac with the help of a well labelled diagram.
  11. Enlist the categories of xerophytes. Describe the morphological and anatomical adaptations found in xerophytes.
  12. Write a note on Heterophylly.
  13. Explain self pollination and cross pollination. What are the advantages of each of them.

Subject: BZYCT137 Genetics and Evolutionary Biology (Updated with TEE June 2024 Questions)

  1. Differentiate between Pre-mating isolating mechanism and postmating isolating mechanism.  OR What are isolating mechanisms ? Describe its different types.
  2. Explain Trisomy 21 (Down’s Syndrome) and Trisomy 18 (Edward’s Syndrome) in detail.  OR What is trisomy? By what mechanisms does it come into existence?
  3. Differentiate between Allopatric and Sympatric speciation
  4. Explain why did Mendel select pea plants for his experiments. OR Explain dihybrid cross and Mendel’s Law of independent assortment.
  5. Differentiate between Homologous and Analogous organs
  6. What is species extinction ? Describe the causes and influences of big five mass extinctions.
  7. Differentiate between Homozygous and Heterozygous
  8. What is Down Syndrome?
  9. Discuss the types of polyploids and their applications. Explain why sterility is common in polyploid organisms?
  10. Describe the chromosomal sex determination mechanisms.
  11. Describe the five types of DNA repair systems.  Explain DNA and RNA
  12. Define mutation. Explain the following types of mutations briefly: (a) Induced mutations (b) Supperessor mutations
  13. Explain Neo Darwinism and Neo Lamarckism in detail.
  14. Industrial melanism is an excellent model to demonstrate the natural selection in action. Analyse the above statement critically.
  15. What do you understand by sexual selection. Illustrate your answer with a suitable example.
  16. With the help of a suitable example, explain the phenomenon of tautomerism.
  17. Write a note on the below:
  • Gene family
  • Speciation
  • Patau Syndrome
  • Allopatric speciation
  • Chromosome mapping

Subject: BPAS184 Logistics Management

  1. Bring out the key activities in Logistics Management Cycle. OR Write a note in brief on the principles, activities, and classification of logistics.
  2. Examine the conceptual framework and techniques of inventory control.
  3. Bring out the significance of material handling.
  4. Discuss the role of Logistics Information System.
  5. Describe the technology applications of Logistics Information Systems. Also Discuss the requirements and components of logistics information system.
  6. “Customer satisfaction is the degree to which customer expectations are met.” Elucidate.
  7. Discuss the various modes of transportation that play a key role in Logistics Management.
  8. What are the components of Logistics Information System ?
  9. ‘There are certain protocols to be adhered to in implementation of green logistics strategies and measures.’ Elaborate.
  10. Discuss the importance of logistics management.
  11. Discuss the steps in procurement process.
  12. List the benefits of outsourcing logistics management activities
  13. Bring out the challenges to effective logistics management.
  14. State the operating objectives of logistics.

Subject: BPAS186 Stress And Management (Updated with TEE June 2024 Questions)

  1. Examine the preventive stress management techniques for an organisation at the primary stage.
  2. Explain any five significant techniques of time management.
  3. What are the main sources of stress ? OR What are the major sources of workplace stress ?
  4. Discuss the meaning and significance of time management.
  5. What are the major distractions at the workplace ?
  6. “Damaging consequences of stress can be observed on our physiological system.” Discuss.
  7. Write a note on managing stress through better time management.
  8. Explain the major causes of procrastination and suggest suitable remedies.
  9. Examine the major approaches to time management.
  10. Discuss the major approaches to stress.
  11. Describe the General Adaptation Syndrome with the help of a diagramme.
  12. Distinguish between the Efficiency Approach and Effectiveness Approach to time Management.
  13. What are the five stages of burnout?
  14. Discuss the 80/20 principle.

Subject: BANS184 Public Health and Epidemiology        

  1. Define public health. Give an account of public health care services in India.
  2. What is epidemiology ? Briefly discuss various categories of observational studies and types of descriptive studies.
  3. What is healthcare? Briefly discuss its importance in the management of COVID-19.
  4. Briefly discuss the role of Government of India in promotion of public health.
  5. Define environmental health. What are the effects of biological, chemical and physical agents in water on human health ? Discuss.
  6. Briefly discuss the effect of biological, chemical and physical agents in air on human health.
  7. Briefly discuss national health programs in India.   OR Briefly comment on the role of public health sector in India.
  8. Briefly discuss the role of NGO’s in health sector of India.
  9. Write a note on the below:
  • Epidemic and pandemic
  • Random Sampling
  • Chi-square (χ2) test.
  • SPSS
  • Chronic diseases
  • Communicable and Non Communicable diseases
  • Gender and health
  • T test

Subject: BPCS186 Managing Stress

  1. Describe the models of stress.
  2. Explain perfectionism, hostility and learned helplessness as factors contributing to stress proneness.
  3. Discuss the concept and nature of coping. Describe various styles of coping with stress.
  4. Discuss the effect of stress on health and relationship. OR Describe the effect of stress on performance and productivity.
  5. Explain the concept of time management with a focus on time management matrix.
  6. Explain the concept of stress and discuss how stress can be measured.
  7. Explain how effective communication can play a role in enhancing interpersonal skills.
  8. Define stress and explain its sources.
  9. Explain Fight and Flight Response and General Adaptation Syndrome.
  10. Elucidate Type A Personality. Explain the moderators of stress.
  11. Describe cognitive restructuring with a focus on ABCDE technique.
  12. Describe relaxation techniques, meditation and mindfulness as techniques of stress management.  OR Explain meditation and Yoga as techniques of stress management.
  13. Elucidate biofeedback.
  14. Explain conflict resolution with a focus on its strategies
  15. Describe various steps involved in problem solving
  16. Describe Perfectionism. Discuss various moderators of stress.

Subject: BPCS188 Application of Social Psychology (Updated with TEE June 2024 Questions)

  1. Discuss the different research methods used in applied social psychology research. OR Explain the major sampling techniques used in applied social psychology research.
  2. What is the Distinction between basic and applied social psychology
  3. Describe the roles and functions of applied social psychologists.
  4. Explain cognitive dissonance theory and discuss its application.
  5. Discuss the different processes of attitude formation.
  6. Explain the applications of social psychology to health and well-being. OR Explain the biopsychosocial model by George Engel. Describe the factors of health and wellbeing.
  7. Discuss the social problems with reference to India.
  8. Discuss Bandura’s social learning theory
  9. Define intervention. Elucidate the different types and steps of intervention.

Subject: BCOS184 Ecommerce

  1. State the various advantages and disadvantages of E-commerce.
  2. The main aim of cyber security is to help make the business more successful. Comment
  3. Differentiate between  App based business and Web based business
  4. Differentiate between Digital Signature and Electronic Signature
  5. AI and IOT will transform both the internet and the global economy. Comment
  6. Explain the term “Operating System‟. Distinguish between „Linux‟ and „Windows‟ with the help of an example.
  7. What do you mean by e-Governance ? How do you differentiate between e-Government and eGovernance ?
  8. “ ‘EFT’ is an electronic method for transferring funds from one account to another, either within a financial institution or across multiple institutions.” Elucidate the above statement.
  9. Differentiate between NEFT, UPI, RTGS and IMPS.
  10. Explain the term ‘e-publishing’. Discuss various online publishing approaches.
  11. ‘Payment gateway’ is essentially a bridge or connection pathway between the customers and the relevant financial institutions. Comment.
  12. Differentiate between Information security and Cyber security , Spoofing and Sniffing , Offences and Punishment related to cyber crime
  13. Online web based learning is schooling that happens over the Internet. Comment.
  14. What is IT Act, 2000 ? Compare and contrast  IT Act, 2000 and IT Amendment Act, 2008.
  15. Write a note on Architectural
  • Framework of E-Commerce
  • E-tailing
  • Software Development Life Cycle (SDLC)

Subject: BCOS186 Personal Selling and Salesmanship (Updated with TEE June 2024 Questions)

  1. What do you mean by salesforce management ? Explain the process of salesforce management with the help of examples.
  2. If you have to sell a product of your choice to a prospect, what steps would you follow to materialize the sales ? Which one is the most crucial step, according to you, in the selling process and why ?
  3. What do you understand by buying motives ? Explain the application and types of buying motives in personal selling with the help of examples.
  4. What is the difference between prospecting and qualifying ? Explain the major methods of prospecting in the sales process with examples.
  5. Explain various types of prospect categories and respective strategies to deal with them. (b) Discuss various sales presentation strategies.
  6. Explain various sources of recruitment of sales force in an organisation. (b) Discuss the selection process of sales force in an organisation.
  7. Watch a sales presentation online or in person, evaluate the salesperson’s engagement, product communication, objection handling, and closing skills. Provide constructive feedback on strengths and suggest improvements.
  8. Describe ethical and legal issues in selling with suitable examples.
  9. Explain Maslow’s theory of need hierarchy.
  10. Explain the importance of Sales Reports. (b) Enlist the salient features of a good sales report with example.
  11. Explain the situations when one can use personal selling. Discuss the process of personal selling with examples.

Subject: BEGS 185 English Language Teaching (Updated with TEE June 2024 Questions)

  1. Explain the types of tests and their purposes.
  2. Suggest ways to make English language learning meaningful for disadvantaged/ under privileged learners.
  3. Discuss text-book evaluation procedures. OR Discuss procedures. the material adaptation procedures.
  4. What are the major difficulties in auditory discrimination ? Discuss.
  5. What are audio-verbal difficulties ? Explain the remedial measures you would take to address these difficulties.
  6. Discuss Empirical Evaluation.
  7. Discuss the procedures for supporting autonomous learning.
  8. Explain the following: (i) Research Tools (ii) Podcasts (iii)Social Networking
  9. What is material adaptation ? Discuss the objectives and reasons for material adaptation. What are the important features of materials development ? Elaborate.
  10. Discuss procedures. the material adaptation procedures.
  11. Explain classroom interaction, its aspects and its types.
  12. Discuss the importance of monitoring in the classroom.
  13. What are the various processes or methods used in evaluation ?

IGNOU Important Questions for B.Ed. TEE December 2024

Subject: BES121 Childhood and Growing Up

  1. Discuss the growing up experiences of children in various types of family structures.  Why is such understanding needed for a teacher ?
  2. Describe the characteristics of various stages of growth and development of children.
  3. Discuss the various life skills needed for dealing with issues and problems of adolescence.
  4. Write a note on UNCRC. Elaborate the initiatives taken by national and international organizations to protect child rights.
  5. What are the points to be kept in mind while preparing an anecdotal record ? Give an example of an anecdotal record of a child.
  6. How do different cultures perceive the concept of adolescence ?
  7. Mention the importance of socialization in the development of a child ? What are the different types of socialization processes ? What is the role of family and teachers in the same.
  8. Discuss, with examples, how communication technologies allow for the different forms of sociability.
  9. Describe the physical and emotional changes in the adolescence stage of development. Examine the role of teacher in facilitating development of children.
  10. Elaborate Piaget’s concept of moral reasoning with suitable examples.
  11. What do you mean by life skills ? Why is life skills education important for adolescents ? Explain the life skills needed among adolescents for knowing and living with others.
  12. ‘Deliberate self-harm is common in adolescents. ’ Discuss the statement in the light of contemporary issues that affect adolescents and highlight the role of school in dealing with such issues.
  13. Elucidate Gilligan’s stages of Ethics of Care.
  14. Discuss the major issues in human development.

Sample Situational questions:

  • Select any problem that you might have faced in your classroom and prepare an action research plan for it.
  • As a teacher you might have come across children with behavioural problems. Prepare a case study report based on any one such behavioural problem of children you have seen.
  • In your school you might have identified some children chewing tobacco in your classroom. As a teacher, how would you deal with this case based on bio-ecological perspective ?

Subject: BES123 Learning and Teaching (Updated with TEE June 2024 Questions)

  1. How will you explain the nature and importance of transfer of learning in the learning process ? Discuss its various types with suitable examples.
  2. Discuss elements of observational learning.
  3. What are the major tenets of behaviourist approach to learning ? Discuss the experiment and educational implications of Pavlov’s classical conditioning theory
  4. What are different types of learners in your class? Discuss their characteristics and your role as a teacher in helping them.
  5. Identify any topic of your choice and develop a concept map on it. Explain how you will use this concept map for unit planning and as an assessment tool?
  6. What do you understand by active learning? Discuss various strategies for promoting active learning in the classroom.
  7. Identify problems from the subject of your choice from the secondary level curriculum and explain how problem solving approach helps you deal with that problem.
  8. What is aptitude? How does it differ from attitude? Discuss various components of Aptitude with suitable examples.
  9. Differentiate between intrinsic extrinsic motivation. Discuss the ways you will adopt to motivate yout learners in your class.
  10. Define Creativity. How can you faster creativity among your learners ? Explain with the help of examples.
  11. Explain the need of professional development for teachers.
  12. What is constructivism ? Discuss various basic tendencies of learning, suggested by Piaget with suitable examples.
  13. What do you understand by Reflection ? While teaching in your classroom, how will you practise reflection in action, reflection on action and reflection for action ? Give suitable examples.
  14. Explain Scaffolding for learning.

Subject: BESE135 Information and Communication Technology

  1. Define communication. Discuss different types of communication with suitable examples.
  2. Elaborate the components and features of a Self Learning Material (SLM).
  3. Define OERs. Explain the different types of OERs. How will you identify OER.
  4. What do you mean by assistive technologies ? Discuss their types. Also Discuss the benefits of assistive technologies.
  5. Describe the features of ICTs that can be used for assessment of collaborative learning. OR  How will you use ICTs for assessment of progress of students ? Illustrate with an example.
  6. Define ICT. Discuss the applications of ICT in education.
  7. Explain the changing role of teachers and students in ICT enabled teaching-learning processes.
  8. What are the different forms of textual content? Discuss.
  9. Mention any two Indian ICT initiatives and explain their features.
  10. What are the advantages of ICT integration in teaching-learning process?
  11. Discuss the role of ICTs in lifelong learning by citing suitable examples.

IGNOU Important Questions for BAHIH TEE December 2024

Subject: BHIE 141 History of China c.1840-1978

  1. Write a note on the emergence of a new culture in China after the Revolution of 1911.
  2. What led to the outbreak of the First Opium War ? Write a note on the Chinese response to the west.
  3. What led to the formation of the United Front ? Discuss the reasons for the break up between the Guomindang and the Communist Party of China.
  4. ‘The Taiping Movement was characterized by its triple content—national, religious and social.’ Elaborate.
  5. Write in brief about China’s transformation to a socialist system under Mao-Zedong.
  6. Write note on The Hundred Days Reform.
  7. Analyse the reasons for Boxer rebellion. What was its significance ?
  8. Write a note on The May Fourth Movement.
  9. Analyse the significance of the ‘Yan’yan Base’ and the ‘Red Base’.
  10. Write a note on The Great Leap Forward.
  11. Analyse the reasons for the success of the Chinese Revolution of 1949. What was its significance ?
  12. Write an essay on the emergence and activities of the Communist Party of China.
  13. Discuss the emergence of the Chinese bourgeoisie as a social force.
  14. Briefly discuss the Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution.
  15. Write a note on Confucianism and Taoism.
  16. Describe the Commune system.
  17. Explain the importance of the Self-Strengthening Movement in China.

Subject: BPAG174 Sustainable Development

  1. Discuss the meaning and nature of Sustainable Development.
  2. Describe the economic components of sustainable development.
  3. Examine the interrelationship between sustainable development and food security.
  4. What are the characteristics and categories of green technology ?
  5. Discuss the role of education in sustainable development.
  6. Discuss the relationship among global commons, global governance and climate change.
  7. Discuss the meaning and impact of climate change.
  8. What are Sustainable Development Goals. Explain any five. (Prepare all)
  9. Discuss the principles of Common but Differentiated Responsibilities.
  10. Describe the concept of climate change and bring out the relationship between development, sustainability and climate change.
  11. Write a note on Earth Summit, 1992.
  12. What do you mean by ‘green accounts approach’?
  13. Examine the term ‘Sustainable Choices’ .
  14. What is status quo approach? Explain

Subject: BGDG-172 Gender Sensitization : Society and Culture

  1. Discuss the forms of masculinities with suitable examples.
  2. Discuss the relationship of patriarchy, capitalism and the maternal body in the cross- cultural context.
  3. What is disability ? Discuss social attitudes towards disability.
  4. Do you agree that media reinforces the notion of feminity and masculinity ? Explain by providing examples.
  5. What is Sexual Harassment at Workplace. Examine its forms.
  6. What is disability ? Explain gender issues in disability with the help of examples.
  7. Define gender based violence. Discuss its various forms in India. What are the impacts of gender –Based Violence (GBV) on women?
  8. Define sexuality. Do think sexuality is socially constructed? Support your arguments by providing suitable examples.          .
  9. Define ‘Double burden’ in the context of women’s work. Give an example.
  10. What are reproductive rights of Indian women?
  11. What is Representation?
  12. Write in your own words about Glass Ceiling with an example.
  13. Describe Social Attitudes and Stereotypes concerning disability.

Subject: BSOG 171 Indian Society : Images and Realities (Updated with TEE June 2024 Questions)

  1. Discuss the various approaches to study Indian civilization.
  2. Discuss the idea of India as imagined by:
  • Nationalists
  • Ideologists
  • colonialists
  1. What do you understand by the phrase “urbanism as a way of life” ? Discuss. Explain the various dimensions of urbanisation in India.
  2. Explain the relationship between caste and class in Indian society.
  3. Elaborate the important features of tribes in India.
  4. Give an account of linguistic diversity in India.
  5. Discuss the contribution of Pandita Ramabai for her feminist perspective on Indian society.
  6. What is the difference between majority and minority groups ? Discuss.
  7. Examine the  elements that have played a role in unifying Indian civilization
  8. Explain the nature of  legal, political and economic unification brought about by the British in India.
  9. Write a note on Varna and Jati.
  10. Examine the elements that have played a role in unifying Indian civilization.
  11. Discuss how the dimensions of plurality are addressed in Indian Constitution.

Subject: BHIC-110 History of India From 1757-1857 (Updated with TEE June 2024 Questions)

  1. “The history of Bengal from 1757-1765 is the history of gradual transfer of power from the Nawabs to the British.” Discuss. OR Discuss briefly the subsidiary alliance. To what extent subsidiary alliance helped in the expansion of British hegemony in India ?
  2. Discuss the institutional framework of the judicial and administrative system of the British.
  3. Discuss the nature of commercialisation of agriculture under the British.
  4. Analyze the nature of popular movements before 1857.
  5. Analyse the causes of the Revolt of 1857 and its significance. OR  Why did the Revolt of 1857 fail?Discuss.
  6. Discuss the Permanent Settlement of Bengal. How did it affect the peasantry? OR Was the Permanent Settlement successful in attaining its objectives?Discuss.
  7. Describe the spread of the English education under the British. OR Analyse the debate on Education policy under the British.
  8. Due to British policies how deindustrialisation happened in India ?
  9. Discuss the differences between the Orientalists and the Utilitarians.
  10. Did the ryotwari settlement succeed in its objectives?Discuss
  11. Write a note on the below:
  • Santal rebellion
  • Mahalwari Settlement
  • Colonial expansion in Mysore
  • The beginnings of the indentured labour

Subject: BPAS184 Logistics Management

  1. Bring out the key activities in Logistics Management Cycle. OR Write a note in brief on the principles, activities, and classification of logistics.
  2. Examine the conceptual framework and techniques of inventory control.
  3. Bring out the significance of material handling.
  4. Discuss the role of Logistics Information System.
  5. Describe the technology applications of Logistics Information Systems. Also Discuss the requirements and components of logistics information system.
  6. “Customer satisfaction is the degree to which customer expectations are met.” Elucidate.
  7. Discuss the various modes of transportation that play a key role in Logistics Management.
  8. What are the components of Logistics Information System ?
  9. ‘There are certain protocols to be adhered to in implementation of green logistics strategies and measures.’ Elaborate.
  10. Discuss the importance of logistics management.
  11. Discuss the steps in procurement process.
  12. List the benefits of outsourcing logistics management activities
  13. Bring out the challenges to effective logistics management.
  14. State the operating objectives of logistics.

Subject: BPAS186 Stress And Management (Updated with TEE June 2024 Questions)

  1. Examine the preventive stress management techniques for an organisation at the primary stage.
  2. Explain any five significant techniques of time management.
  3. What are the main sources of stress ? OR What are the major sources of workplace stress ?
  4. Discuss the meaning and significance of time management.
  5. What are the major distractions at the workplace ?
  6. “Damaging consequences of stress can be observed on our physiological system.” Discuss.
  7. Write a note on managing stress through better time management.
  8. Explain the major causes of procrastination and suggest suitable remedies.
  9. Examine the major approaches to time management.
  10. Discuss the major approaches to stress.
  11. Describe the General Adaptation Syndrome with the help of a diagramme.
  12. Distinguish between the Efficiency Approach and Effectiveness Approach to time Management.
  13. What are the five stages of burnout?
  14. Discuss the 80/20 principle.

Subject: BSOG173 Rethinking Development (Updated with TEE June 2024 Questions)

  1. Analyse political and socio-economic factors of development.
  2. Discuss Rostow’s historical stages approach to the study of development.
  3. Discuss the dependency theory of development.
  4. Explain the feminist critique of development.
  5. What is displacement ? Discuss linkage between displacement and development.
  6. Describe various grassroots initiative programmes undertaken by government towards development.
  7. Explain the multiple connotations of development.
  8. Discuss approaches to social development.
  9. How are livelihood and sustainability interconnected ? Explain.
  10. Outline the relationship between migration and development.
  11. Explain Capability and Welfare approach of development.

IGNOU Important Questions for BCOMG/BBA TEE December 2024

Subject: BCOS185 Entrepreneurship (Updated with TEE June 2024 Questions)

  1. What do you understand by entrepreneurial ecosystem ? Explain the various components of the entrepreneurial ecosystem. Also state the determinants of entrepreneurship.
  2. Discuss the methods and sources of business idea generation with examples.
  3. Explain the concept of start-ups along with challenges faced by start-ups. Explain the Start-up India initiative along with its objectives. Discuss the major measures to support start-ups in India.
  4. Discuss the various sources of finance available for entrepreneurship development. Explain the factors determining the choice of source of finance with examples.
  5. Explain the role of MSMEs in entrepreneurship development in India. Also, discuss recent initiatives of the government to promote MSMEs.   OR Describe the salient features of MSMED Act, 2006. Also discuss the key provisions of the Act.
  6. Describe the various types of family businesses in India with examples. Explain the  major challenges faced by family businesses in India. Explain the system theory of family business citing examples.
  7. “Conflict is a natural part of a business.” Discuss various kinds of conflict that may arise in family business and explain how they can be managed.
  8. Explain Rural Entrepreneurship.
  9. What is “Business Plan‟ ? Discuss briefly the key elements in writing a business plan.
  10. “Innovation and creativity go hand in hand.” Comment
  11. What do you understand by ‘Entrepreneurship’? Explain the need for entrepreneurship development in India. Explain its different theories and types.
  12. Describe the concept of family business with examples. Explain the major challenges faced by family businesses in India.
  13. Write a note on the below:
  • MUDRA Yojna
  • Feasibility Analysis

Subject: BCOS186 Personal Selling and Salesmanship (Updated with TEE June 2024 Questions)

  1. What do you mean by salesforce management ? Explain the process of salesforce management with the help of examples.
  2. If you have to sell a product of your choice to a prospect, what steps would you follow to materialize the sales ? Which one is the most crucial step, according to you, in the selling process and why ?
  3. What do you understand by buying motives ? Explain the application and types of buying motives in personal selling with the help of examples.
  4. What is the difference between prospecting and qualifying ? Explain the major methods of prospecting in the sales process with examples.
  5. Explain various types of prospect categories and respective strategies to deal with them. (b) Discuss various sales presentation strategies.
  6. Explain various sources of recruitment of sales force in an organisation. (b) Discuss the selection process of sales force in an organisation.
  7. Watch a sales presentation online or in person, evaluate the salesperson’s engagement, product communication, objection handling, and closing skills. Provide constructive feedback on strengths and suggest improvements.
  8. Describe ethical and legal issues in selling with suitable examples.
  9. Explain Maslow’s theory of need hierarchy.
  10. Explain the importance of Sales Reports. (b) Enlist the salient features of a good sales report with example.
  11. Explain the situations when one can use personal selling. Discuss the process of personal selling with examples.

Subject: BCOE141 Principles of Marketing (Updated with TEE June 2024 Questions)

  1. How is market targeting different from market segmentation ? Explain the various market targeting strategies with the help of examples. Explain the various bases of market segmentation with the help of examples. OR What is Market Targeting and Positioning ? Discuss various market targeting strategies.
  2. How is marketing different from selling ? Explain in detail the relevance of marketing along with the main components of marketing mix.
  3. Why is packaging an important decision in product development ? What are the functions of packaging ? Explain the various packaging strategies with examples.
  4. Discuss the various objectives of pricing. Explain various methods of pricing the products. Explain four different geographical pricing strategies used by the marketers.
  5. Describe the various channels of distribution with the help of appropriate examples. Explain the factors that influence the selection of channel.   OR Explain the various functions performed by the channel members. Also, describe the various channels of distribution used by marketers.
  6. What do you understand by marketing environment and why is it important to scan the marketing  environment ? Explain the various components of the marketing environment briefly.
  7. Discuss the components of promotion mix with examples. Explain the criteria to select the best possible tool for the promotion of a product.
  8. What is rural marketing? Explain the features of rural markets. Describe the challenges of rural markets.
  9. Discuss various stages of product life cycle with suitable examples.
  10. Explain the steps of the consumer decision making process. Describe the possible factors which can influence consumer behaviour.
  11. ‘‘New product development involves marking out and supervising the search, screening, development and commercialisation.’’ Comment on the statement with suitable example. OR What do you understand by the concept of New Product Development (NPD) ? Highlight the various steps involved in NPD process with the help of examples.
  12. Explain the importance of branding in marketing of goods and services.
  13. Explain the term marketing with suitable examples. Discuss the elements of marketing mix and their role in strategy development
  14. Distinguish between  Advertising and sales promotion
  15. What is Green Marketing? Discuss its importance.
  16. Explain Digital Marketing
  17. Discuss the characteristics of services. Explain the challenges associated with services examples. marketing with the help of
  18. What do you mean by advertising? Explain the various media of advertising and compare their advantages and limitations.

Subject: BCOC133 Business Law

  1. Define the term “offer‟. Discuss the legal rules for a valid offer. Explain “cross offer‟, “standing offer‟ and “general offer‟ with example.
  2. Define consideration under Indian Contract Act with suitable example. What are the essential features (legal rules) for valid consideration ? Explain in detail. OR Explain the term ‘consideration’ and discuss the exceptions to the rule “No Consideration no Contract”.
  3. Define partnership and describe the essential characteristics of partnership. Explain the rights and liabilities of partners on dissolution of partnership  firm.
  4. Define “condition‟ and “warranty‟ in Sale of Goods Act. Explain implied conditions as to the title (ownership) and sale by description in detail.
  5. Distinguish between “lien‟ and “stoppage in transit‟. Describe particular lien and general lien of a  bailee.
  6. What is a Promissory Note ? Describe its essential characteristics. Differentiate between Promissory Note and Bill of Exchange. Discuss the common features among promissory note, bill of exchange and cheque.
  7. “The law of contract is not the whole law of agreements nor it is the whole law of obligations.” Discuss. Discuss the essential elements of a valid contract with examples.
  8. Define bailment and describe its features. Explain various kinds of bailment.
  9. Distinguish between Fraud and Misrepresentation
  10. “An agreement in restraint of trade is void”. Examine this statement mentioning exceptions, if any.
  11. Distinguish between void agreement and illegal agreement.
  12. What are the features of a limited liability partnership? What can’t be a partner of a Limited Liability Partnership?

Subject: BCOC135 Company Law (Updated with TEE June 2024 Questions)

  1. Define a public company and private company. Enumerate the privileges and exemptions available to a private company.
  2. What do you understand by Memorandum of Association ? Explain the different clauses which are included in Memorandum of Association.
  3. Explain forged transfer. What are the consequences of a forged transfer ?
  4. Define the term Secretary under Companies Act. Who can be appointed as a Secretary of the company ? Describe the liabilities of a company secretary.
  5. What is allotment of shares ? Explain the general and legal rules for the allotment of shares.
  6. Explain the liabilities of directors towards company, towards third party and criminal liability.
  7. What is transfer of shares ? Explain the procedure for effecting transfer of shares. Discuss the power of the Board of Directors to refuse the registration of transfer of shares.
  8. What is winding-up of a company ? How is it different from dissolution ? Explain the procedure for winding-up of a company.
  9. Write a note on National Company Law Appellate Tribunal.
  10. Explain the ‘doctrine of indoor management’. Are there any exceptions to it ? Discuss.
  11. Explain the meaning and purpose of Articles of Association. Discuss the binding effect of Memorandum and Articles. How far are they binding on outsiders ?

IGNOU Important Questions for BCA TEE December 2024

Subject: MCS011 Problem Solving and Programming

Write an algorithm and draw a corresponding flow chart to check whether the number is prime or not. OR

Write an algorithm and draw a corresponding flow chart to check whether the given year is a leap year or not.

Write a C program to generate the  following pattern :


2 2

3 3 3 

4 4 4 4

5 5 5 5 5

Explain the type of errors in C program by giving an example for each.

Write an interactive C program to calculate the salary of an employee based on Basic-pay, TA, DA, Grade pay and other  allowances. Use structures.

What is an operator ? List and explain various categories of operators in C.

Define an array. How are arrays declared and initialised ? Write a C code segment to explain it.

Explain difference between ‘call by value’  and ‘call by reference’ with the help of examples.

What is Union ? How is it different from  structure ? Explain declaration and use of union in C with the help of an example and  program. Differentiate between structure and union.

Explain the following with the help of a suitable example for each :

(i) File access modes

(ii) Array of pointers

(iii) Automatic variable

(iv) Size of operator

Using File Handling Concept, write a  program to copy one file to another. 

Define function. How are functions declared in C language ? What are function prototypes and what is the use of return statements ?

Write a program to perform the following operation on matrices :

D = A + (B * C)

where A, B and C are matrices of 3 × 3 size and D is the resultant matrix.

Explain switch statement with the help of a program segment. Also write its syntax.

MCS012 Computer Organization and Assembly Language Programming (Only Theory questions) (Updated with TEE June 2024 Questions)

  1. Explain the concept of instruction pipelining with the help of a diagram.
  2. What are different segment registers in 8086 microprocessor ?  Explain the use of each of these registers with the help of an example.
  3. What is the need of Cache memory ? Explain the direct mapping cache organisation and associative mapping cache organisation with the help of a diagram.
  4. Write a program using 8086 assembly language that exchanges the byte values given in two memory locations.
  5. Explain the Master-Slave flip-flop with the help of a diagram.
  6. Explain the Wilkes control unit with the help of a diagram.
  7. Explain the concept of programmed input/output with help of a flowchart.
  8. What is instruction cycle ? How are different kinds of instructions interpreted ?
  9. Explain the term micro-operation. How is a micro-operation different from an instruction ? Write the sequence of microoperations required to fetch an instruction from the memory to CPU register. You may assume suitable set of registers.
  10. Explain the features of RISC architectures.
  11. Design a full-adder circuit using K-map.
  12. Why is RAID used in computers ? What is RAID Level 0 ?
  13. What is an Interrupt? Why are interrupts used in a computer? Explain different kinds of interrupts. Also, explain the process of interrupt processing.
  14. What is DMA? Explain with the help of a flowchart. Differentiate between the working of DMA and I/O processor.
  15. Explain Von-Neumann architecture with the help of a diagram.

Subject: BCS031 Programming in C++ (Theory questions only)

  1. Explain the working of GOTO statement. Does its usage violate the rules of OOP ? Explain.
  2. Differentiate between abstraction and encapsulation with an example. OR What is Encapsulation ? Are encapsulation and information hiding the same ? Explain.
  3. What are constructors in C++ ? Mention their five characteristics. OR Differentiate between copy constructor and default constructor in C++, with the help of an example for each. OR What is a constructor ? Explain how constructor is overloaded in C++, with the help of an example.
  4. What is Runtime Polymorphism ? Explain its utility with the help of an example. OR What is Polymorphism ? What are the advantages of polymorphism ? Mention the types of polymorphism supported by C++ OR Compare Compile-time Polymorphism with Run-time Polymorphism.
  5. Explain the difference between method overloading and method overriding with example.
  6. What is inheritance ? Explain, how inheritance is implemented in C++.
  7. What is an Exception ? How is it handled in C++ ? Explain with the help of an example. OR What is the purpose of exception  handling ? Explain how exception is handled in C++, with the help of an example.
  8. “Abstract class provides a base, upon which other classes may be built.” Justify the statement, with the help of an example.
  9. What is function overloading ? Explain how it is implemented in C++ with the help of a program.
  10. What is operator overloading ? Write a C++ program to overload ‘+’ operator to find the sum of two complex numbers. Support your program with suitable comments.
  11. What is inheritance ? Briefly discuss the different types of inheritance, supported by C++. Explain how inheritance is implemented in C++. Compare multiple inheritance with multilevel inheritance and hierarchical inheritance.
  12. What is stream manipulator ? Explain the use of setw( ) and setprecision( ) as a stream manipulator.  OR What is stream in C++ ? Name the streams generally used for file I/O.
  13. Explain the association of dynamic binding and runtime polymorphism, with suitable example.
  14. What is class template ? Create a class template for stack data structure.  OR Compare structures and classes in C++. What are empty classes ? Explain the purpose of empty classes.
  15. What is the difference between function overloading and function overriding in  C++ ? Explain the usage of these concepts, with suitable example in C++.
  16. What are the essential properties of object oriented programming ? How does object oriented programming differ from structured programming ?
  17. What is STL ? Briefly discuss the components of STL.
  18. What are static members of a class ? What is the utility of having static members ? Explain with the help of an example.
  19. What is a friend function ? Write a program in C++ to illustrate the concept of friend function.
  20. What is a Destructor in C++ ? Discuss the naming conventions of destructor. Do constructors and destructors have return type ?
  21. What are Inline Functions ? How does the execution of inline functions differ from normal functions ? Give the advantages of inline functions.
  22. Briefly discuss the term Message Passing. How does message passing support the concept of interfaces in C++ ?
  23. What is a Virtual Base Class? How does it differ from a Base Class. Explain with examples.
  24. Explain Explain how I/O formatting is done in C++ with the help of a program.

Subject: MCS022 Operating System Concepts and Networking Management

  1. Write the LINUX commands for the following :

(i) To copy a file from one directory to another. 

(ii) To move a file from one directory to another. 

 (iii) To remove/delete  a file from a subdirectory 

(iv)To print contents of a file using line printer. 

(v) To search and locate a file based on the owner, access permission, created date etc.  

(vi) To change the password 

(vii) To create a directory 

(viii) To change from current directory to a new working directory   

(ix) To list of current users logged in the system. 

(x) To execute a command at given time. 

  1. Define a firewall. Why do we need a firewall ? Explain the working of firewall in detail. Also, explain the limitations of using firewall.
  2. What do you mean by Packet Switching ? Explain the Datagram and Virtual Circuit approach of packet switching.
  3. Define Topology in context of Computer Network.List and explain various network topologies.Explain the working of Ring Topology.
  4. Discuss the file system in Windows-XP and also explain how the office file features in Windows-XP are enabled ?
  5. What is a Virtual Private Network (VPN) ? Describe the step by step procedure to configure VPN in Windows-XP. Differentiate between dial-up connection and VPN connection for remote access. List the requirements to set up a VPN connection.
  6. Differentiate LAN, MAN and WAN in context of its geographical distribution, size, access mechanism, hardware devices and communication.
  7. Discuss process and thread management in LINUX.  Discuss the file system, special files and file management in LINUX.
  8. Explain SNMP and UDP
  9. What is EFS service ? Describe the concept of encryption using EFS service. 5
  10. Compare TFTP and FTP. Which protocol is used by TFTP at the transport layer and why ?
  11. Discuss the working of Token ring and Token bus. Give suitable example and supporting diagram for each.
  12. Explain the features of user mode and kernel mode ofWindows 2000 operating system.
  13. Explain TCP/IP model
  14. Write a shell script which will generate the list of users along with details of files those are created /modified by the respective user during the specified time.
  15. Define IPSec? What are its features? Discuss its implementation in Windows 2000.

Subject: BCS011 Computer Basics and PC Software

  1. Convert the following as asked : (i) (0.0125)10 to equivalent binary (ii) (10011111)2 to equivalent decimal (iii) (FA5)16 to equivalent binary 6 (iv) (1001 0110 1110)2 to equivalent hexadecimal
  2. Explain why an operating system is needed in a computer system. Differentiate between the system software and application software. OR What are Operating Systems ? Explain any four operating system services.
  3. What are Network Topologies ? Explain Star and Bus topologies with the help of a diagram. OR Explain the ring topology of local area networks. List disadvantages and its advantages.
  4. List any four features of a social networking website.
  5. Explain the characteristics of Local Area Networks. How are LANs different from WANs ?  OR Explain the characteristics of a Wide Area Network. How is a WAN different to a LAN ? Explain.
  6. What is the need of TCP/IP ? What is a URL ? How is URL different to an IP address ? Explain with the help of an example.  Describe the TCP/IP model with the help of a diagram.
  7. What are the characteristics of a WIKI ? What are the different advantages of using a WIKI ?
  8. What are IP Addresses ? Describe the components of an IPv4 Address.
  9. What is Client/Server Architecture ? Explain the three-tier client/server architectures with the help of a diagram.
  10. Discuss the key characteristics of printers on the basis of quality of print. OR What are the advantages and disadvantages of using Inkjet printers ?
  11. What is an Open-source Software ? List any two objectives of an Open-source movement. List the name and purpose of any four Open-source Software.
  12. Why does a computer need main memory ? What is cache memory ? How is main memory different from a cache memory ? OR What are the differences between primary and secondary memory of a computer. Which of them is larger in size ? Which of them is faster ?
  13. What are the advantages of Computer Networks? Explain the following terms in the context of computer networks: (i) Mode of transmission (ii) Packet and Circuit Switching (iii) Optical Fiber (iv) Radio Wave transmission

IGNOU Important Questions for BLIS TEE December 2024

Subject: BLI221 Library, Information and Society (Updated with TEE June 2024 Questions)

  1. State the five laws of Library Science. Explain their implications.
  2. What do you understand by ‘resource sharing’ ? Discuss the role of INFLIBNET in this context.
  3. Describe the role of ALA in the development of LIS profession. /Define ‘professional ethics’. Describe the ALA code of ethics.
  4. Write an essay on the objectives and activities of RRRLF.
  5. What are the different types of libraries. Discuss the role of each of them in society.
  6. Define library legislation. Discuss its need and purpose. Explain the salient features of the West Bengal Public Libraries Act, 1979.
  7. Explain the concept of ‘library consortia’. Describe their activities and services.
  8. Explain the role of ILA in the development of libraries and LIS profession in India.  Explain its main activities and programmes.
  9. Distinguish between Digital libraries versus virtual libraries
  10. Discuss the issues and problems faced in developing an ethical code for library profession.
  11. Enumerate the categories of LIS professionals and describe the role of any four LIS professionals.
  12. Discuss the role of UGC in the development of library and information services in India.
  13. Explain CALIBNET.
  14. Discuss the objectives and activities of IFLA.
  15. Define ‘Special Library.’ Discuss its role in society.
  16. Discuss in brief the activities and role of referral centres and cleaning houses.
  17. Explain the concept and services of a digital library.
  18. Define „information society‟. Distinguish between information society and knowledge society.
  19. Describe the activities and services of DELNET.
  20. Explain the concept of Right to information Act and its utility in libraries.
  21. Explain the activities and services of CILIP.
  22. Define ‘Library Network.’ Discuss the services of OCLC.
  23. Write a note on the below:
  • Knowledge Society
  • IT Act, 2000
  • Hybrid Library

Subject: BLI222 Information Sources and Services (Updated with TEE June 2024 Questions)

  1. Explain the role of various sources of information. OR Discuss the categorization of information sources as given by Denis Grogen.
  2. What do you understand by user studies ? Discuss the techniques used in it along with its limitations. Explain the different steps to be followed while planning a user study. OR Briefly discuss some of the limitations and criticisms concerning user studies.
  3. Describe the need for literature search. Explain the steps of manual literature search.OR Discuss the steps involved in computer-based literature search.
  4. Highlight the importance of institutions as sources of information. Describe the activities of academic institutions and learned societies.
  5. How would you evaluate an encyclopedia ?
  6. List the components of mass media. Explain, with examples, the kind of information generated by each of these components.
  7. Discuss how the five laws of Library Science are closer to modern marketing principles.
  8. Discuss web-based services with suitable examples.
  9. What are periodicals Explain its different types and features with examples.
  10. What criteria will you adopt to evaluate a dictionary ? Discuss in detail.
  11. Describe the role of NGOs as primary sources of information.
  12. What do you understand by anticipatory information services ? Discuss them in detail.  Differentiate between responsive and anticipatory services.
  13. Describe the concept of information literacy. Discuss its various models.
  14. Discuss the categorisation of information sources as given by S. R. Ranganathan.
  15. Discuss the negative influences of the information generated by mass media.
  16. What do you understand by virtual reference service ? Describe its importance.
  17. Explain the concept of information use study. Briefly discuss its various types with suitable examples.
  18. Enumerate the major international agencies that are sources of information. Discuss the role of UNESCO as a vital source of information.
  19. Enumerate the types of databases available for online searching. Discuss any two online database search service providers.
  20. Discuss the various categories of condensation type of services.
  21. Explain, how peripheral information professionals can perform the functions of information disseminators.
  22. Discuss the Categorisation of information sources as given by Subramanyam.
  23. Explain why there is a lack of unanimity in the categorisation of text books.

Subject: BLI223 Organising and Managing Information (Updated with TEE June 2024 Questions)

  1. Explain the features, advantages and disadvantages of a dictionary catalogue.
  2. What is web indexing ? Describe its tools. Describe the recent developments in indexing with special reference to web indexing.
  3. What is MARC ? Explain the structure of a MARC 21 record. Write a note on the evolution of MARC.
  4. Explain the canons of characteristics in the idea plane. OR Define verbal plane. Discuss its cannons.
  5. Explain the cataloguing of manuscripts according to the AACR-2.
  6. Write a note on Resource Description and Access (RDA).
  7. Illustrate with examples that ‘classification is the backbone of the library services’. Enumerate the different types of library classification systems. OR Define library classification. Explain its uses in a library and information centre.
  8. State the various kinds of non-book material in a library. How are maps catalogued by AACR-2 ?
  9. Discuss the evaluation of an indexing system.
  10. Describe the working of an OPAC.
  11. What is a thesaurus ? Give details of various relations in a thesaurus. Illustrate the features of an information retrieval thesaurus.
  12. Define metadata. Briefly describe its kinds.
  13. Explain the need of notation in library classification. Illustrate its types and qualities.
  14. Explain the features, advantages and problems of classified catalogues in libraries.
  15. Describe the structure of Sears List of Subject Headings (SLSH) giving examples.
  16. Define corporate author? Discuss treatment of Government Publications according to AACR-2R.
  17. Discuss the common isolates in DDC 19the Edition.  State the major contributions of DDC to library classification.
  18. Explain the working of the chain indexing as given by S. R. Ranganathan.
  19. Define Metadata. Discuss its core elements.
  20. What do you understand by Interoperability ? State its need in the digital era.

Subject: BLI224 ICT Fundamentals (Updated with TEE June 2024 Questions)

  1. Describe different layers of TCP/IP.
  2. What is RDBMS ? Explain its functionalities to share the data.
  3. Describe different interactive distributed services.
  4. Describe different types of messaging methods.
  5. Discuss different security and privacy issues related to interactive and distributive services.
  6. Write a note on Web Browsers and Web Editors .
  7. What is convergence ? Explain service convergence.
  8. Explain the advantages of LibreOffice over the other Office Suites. OR Discuss the different Components of Libre- Office suit.
  9. Enumerate the different characteristics of data in a database. Discuss any two types of DBMS systems. Discuss the various DBMS architectures.    OR What is ODBMS ? How does it differ from RDBMS ?
  10. Describe WiMAX/Bluetooth Technology
  11. Describe various features of Linux based operating system. OR What is an Operating System ? Explain its types with suitable examples.
  12. Explain the IPV4 internet addressing system.
  13. What do you mean by NEIS? Explain the major NEIS Services and Applications. Discuss the goals and objectives of convergence in the context of NEIS.
  14. What is RFID ? How does RFID technology enhance the library management ?
  15. Write a note on Ubuntu v/s Windows. Explain File system of Ubuntu
  16. Explain various types of search tools and also describe various features of search tools.
  17. What is networking?  Explain topologies used in wide area network with diagrams.
  18. Write a note on Interactive television (ITV)
  19. Explain Markup Languages
  20. What is Analog Communication ? How is Digital Communication better than Analog Communication ?
  21. What are Web 2.0 services ? How do they differ from Web 1.0 services ?
  22. Explain Hybrid Topology.
  23. Explain IP Address.
  24. Explain Protocol convergence.
  25. Explain Digital signature.

Subject: BLI225 Communication Skills (Updated with TEE June 2024 Questions)

  1. Explain the importance of ‘Group Discussion’ as an assessment tool of skills and attributes of a candidate.
  2. Write an essay on the role of body language communication? What are the ‘Don’ts’ in body language communication?
  3. Describe the different styles of communication with examples.
  4. Explain listening barriers. How do overcome these barriers?
  5. What is communication skill? Explain the role of communication skills in library services.
  6. Write on any two of the given topics in about 100 words. a).Correspondence at the workplace b)Preparing your Portfolio c). Writing skills d) Telephone skills e) Preparing Profile
  7. Write a short note on the importance of survey research for a librarian. Discuss any survey research that you may have conducted.
  8. What are the different types of questionnaire ? Write down the steps to be followed in constructing a structured questionnaire.
  9. Write ten lines of conversation between you as chief librarian of a public library and a user who is a member of your library.
  10. As an Assistant Librarian, write a letter to the Head of a publishing house for three newspapers your university would like to subscribe.

Subject: BLIE226 Management of Library and Information Centre (Updated with TEE June 2024 Questions)

  1. Discuss the different types of tools used for selection of print and non-print materials in a library. Support the answer with suitable examples of selection tools.
  2. Explain the implications of ICT developments on e-procurement and e-documents.
  3. What is TQM? What would you keep in mind to implement the TQM in a library ? Discuss the problems involved in implementing TQM in libraries.
  4. What are serial publications ? How do these differ from books in nature and acquisition ?
  5. What is HR planning ? Explain its need and purpose.  OR What is the Need and importance of HRM in an organization. Discuss its various functions.
  6. What is weeding? Explain the Importance of weeding out reading material in libraries.
  7. Discuss types of changes and strategies for change management in libraries.
  8. Describe various functions of library circulation system. Do you find any difference in performing these functions in Browne and Newark charging system ?
  9. How do you estimate the space requirements of a library building and what are the guidelines for internal allocation of space ?
  10. Define ‘stock verification’. Discuss its methods.
  11. Enumerate different methods and techniques of financial estimation for library. Explain any one of them in detail.
  12. Define ‘budgeting’.  Briefly explain different methods and techniques of budgeting.
  13. Define process of acquisition. Explain various problems in acquisition of sources. .
  14. Explain with appropriate examples the advantages and disadvantages of dealing with publishers, agents/suppliers of documents.
  15. What are the main causes of disasters ? Describe the disaster prevention measures to be taken while planning a library building.
  16. Explain how ZBB is different from PPBS   .
  17. Discuss the different budgeting methods and techniques followed in libraries.
  18. Describe the changing role of library professionals. Mention the types of skills required by LIS professional in the changing scenario.
  19. Discuss the different types of tools used for selection of print and non-print materials in a library. Support the answer with suitable examples of selection tools.
  20. Discuss the need and objectives of binding and preservation of materials in libraries.
  21. Write a note on:
  • Quality circles

Subject: BLIE228 Information Products and Services

  1. Author approach is an effective approach for compilation of a bibliography. Explain. OR Describe in brief the steps involved in compiling a bibliography using author approach.
  2. Enumerate major types of information consolidation products. Differentiate between trend reports and technical digests.
  3. Describe the characteristics of CAS. Describe the steps involved in providing current contents type of CAS.
  4. Differentiate between an indicative and informative abstract.
  5. What is document delivery service ? Describe the different types of document delivery systems/models.
  6. Discuss 7P’s of marketing of library services in the context of Web marketing mix. OR  Explain the need for a web marketing plan. Describe its components in the context of library services.
  7. Explain the concepts ‘content’, ‘collaborative content’ and ‘content development’. Describe different categories of content tools according to media.
  8. Define ‘technical digest’. Discuss its different categories.
  9. What is SDI service ? Describe the steps involved in providing it.
  10. What is an abstract ? Explain its different types by giving examples.
  11. What do you understand by subject approach in literature search ? Explain steps involved in it with examples.
  12. What is an adhoc bibliography ? Discuss its functions and steps involved in its preparation. OR Define the term “Bibliography‟. Describe the different ways of arranging entries in an ad hoc bibliography.
  13. Define information analysis and synthesis. Describe the steps involved in it.
  14. What information do you need for compilation of a list of forthcoming conferences ?
  15. Describe the functions and uses of Reviews.
  16. Describe how would you organise a newspaper clipping service.
  17. Define the Web 2.0? Describe the features of Gurulib and Revish.
  18. Discuss the salient features of Moodle?
  19. What is Lib 2.0 ? Give some examples of Lib 2.0 services

IGNOU Important Questions for BAGS (Gender Studies) TEE December 2024

Subject: BGS 04 Gendered Perspectives on Health (Updated with TEE June 2024 Questions)

  1. Discuss the national and international perspectives on surrogacy.
  2. What is understood by health and mental health ? Who carries higher burden of mental health in our society ? Why ?
  3. Describe specific problems and disorders related to women’s health.
  4. Explain disableism, ableism and embodiment from a gender perspective.
  5. How does menopause affect life of women ? What are the myths associated with it ? Explain.
  6. What is meant by gender equality ? Explain how gender equality is related to human rights and health by giving suitable examples.
  7. Describe various Assisted 20 Reproductive Technologies (ART) and the associated ethical and legal issues.
  8. Discuss concepts related to non-normative sexual identities.
  9. Write a short note on epidemiological determinants of Sexually Transmitted Infections (STIs).
  10. How is wellbeing different from health? Discuss.

IGNOU Important Questions for MCA TEE December 2024

Subject: MCS231 Mobile Computing (Updated with TEE June 2024 Questions)

  1. What is Time Division Multiplexing (TDM) ? What are the advantages, disadvantages and applications ?
  2. What is a Cellular Network ? Under what conditions frequency reuse is possible by different cells in the network ?
  3. What is J2ME ? Explain main components of J2ME.
  4. Explain the features of integrated development platforms that are used for Mobile App development. OR List the features of any two Programming Languages that can be used to develop Mobile Applications.
  5. Explain mobile computing architecture with the help of a diagram. Explain the design considerations for Mobile Computing.
  6. What is GSM technology ? Explain its advantages and disadvantages.
  7. Draw and explain Android architecture.
  8. Explain the features of XML.
  9. What are the latest versions of Windows and iOS operating systems? What are the differences between the latest and earlier versions?
  10. . Briefly explain the terms “Guided Transmission” and “Unguided Transmission”.
  11. What is a 5G Network? What are its limitations? How can they be overcome?
  12. What is a Virtual Cloud Network? What are its advantages and disadvantages?
  13. What is a Mobile Adhoc Network? What are its advantages and disadvantages?
  14. What are Actuators ? Give some examples of Actuators found in Robots.
  15. What is Wavelength Division Multiplexing ? What are its advantages, disadvantages and applications ?

Subject: MCS201 Programming in C and Python (Updated with TEE June 2024 Questions)

  1. Compare flowchart and algorithm. Write Algorithm and also draw flowchart to perform following:

a. Find factorial of a number entered by user.  

b. Print Fibonacci series up to the number of terms entered by the uses 

  1. Write an algorithm to find the HCF (Highest Common Factor) of the two numbers entered by a user. Transform your algorithm into a C program, support your program with suitable comments.
  1. Briefly discuss the relation between pointers and arrays, giving suitable example. Write a program in C, to print transpose of a 2D matrix entered by a user. Also give comments.
  1. Write the syntax of looping control statements. Also draw the flowchart for each statement. Write a program in C to generate the following pattern :

* *  

* * *

  1. Differentiate between Random access and Sequential access of files in C. Discuss the syntax and role of fseek( ) and rewind( ) function, while accessing any file.
  1. What is C-Python ? Briefly discuss the relation between framework, library, package and module in Python.
  1. What is the utility of map( ) function do ? Write a program in Python to print the square of the numbers present in the list, by using map( ) function.
  1. What are Cursor Objects ? Briefly discuss the utility of cursor objects. Write Python code for a cursor to execute the SQL query, to print the version of database. Support your program with suitable comments.
  1. What are iterators ? How do iterators differ from iterables ? Give example for each.
  1. Discuss the function of connect( ) method of MySQL. Connection interface in Python. List the arguments involved in the connect( ) method. Write a python code to create database Employee_DB and prepare connection to suitable Employee_DB. (Make assumptions necessary).
  1. What is Jython ? How does Jython work ? Compare module and package in context of Python.
  1. What are generators in Python ? Compare generators and lists. Also discuss utility of generators in Python.
  2. Write steps to create a package. Apply these steps to create a package named volume and create 3 modules in it named cube, cuboid and sphere, having function to calculate volume of the cube, cuboid and sphere respectively. Import the modules defined in the package and use the defined functions for calculation of volume respectively.
  3. Write a program in C to calculate the product of two matrices. Support your code with suitable comments.
  4. What are lists ? How do lists differ from arrays ? What do you understand by the term “Lists are mutable but tuples are immutable” ? Write syntax for creation of list and accessing the last element of the list.
  5. Write Python code to perform the  following : (i) Copy a file first.txt to second.txt (ii) Reading a file  (iii) Writing to a file (iv) Appending content to a file
  6. What are tuples in Python ? What do you understand by the term ‘‘tuples are immutable’’ ? Write Python syntax for creation, printing and accessing specific element of the tuple.
  1. Compare:

i) Buffered I/O and Unbuffered I/O 

ii) Recursion and Iteration.

iii) Syntax error and semantic error. Give example for each. 

iv) Structure and Union constructs in C. Write suitable code for each. 

v) Typedef and Typecast in C. Give suitable code for each. Also discuss utility of both.

vi) Co-routines and subroutines  

vii)  Co-routines and threads 

viii) Overloading and overriding in Python. Give suitable example code for each in Python.

ix) Break and Continue Statement

x)  “Call by value” and “Call by reference”. Give example code in C for each. Support your code with suitable comments.

IGNOU Important Questions for MLIS TEE December 2024

Subject: MLI102 Management Of Library And Information Centres

  1. Explain the change management concept. Discuss the different models of change.
  2. What is e-Marketing ? Discuss how it can be implemented in libraries and information centres.
  3. Describe modern management theory. Discuss the applicability of management theories in libraries and information centres.
  4. Discuss the important factors to be considered in the formulation of a budget. Discuss in brief different methods of financial estimation.
  5. Discuss the development of the Neo-classical theory of management with special emphasis on the human relations school.
  6. Discuss different change management strategies and factors that influence choice of a strategy.
  7. Define costing. Discuss why it is important in libraries. Describe various elements of cost.
  8. Discuss the elements, relevance and importance of Total Quality Management (TQM) in libraries.
  9. Explain Maslow’s theory of hierarchy of needs with the help of a diagram. Describe the modifications suggested by Alderfer.
  10. Differentiate between autocratic and democratic styles of leadership. Discuss the important functions and activities of a good leader.
  11. What do you understand by MBO ? Discuss its applicability as a monitoring and controlling tool in libraries and information centres.
  12. Discuss the procedure for selecting appropriate marketing mix for e-marketing of information products and services.
  13. Describe different approaches of Cost Analysis. Differentiate Cost Effective Analysis from Cost Benefit Analysis.
  14. Describe major forms of formal organisational structure. Discuss the features of a good organizational structure.
  15. Discuss the concepts of ‘demand’ supply’ and ‘price’ with appropriate diagrams. Describe how these three are inter-related?
  16. Discuss in detail different components of Human Resource Planning (HRP).
  17. Write short note on:
  • Flow Process Chart
  • Principles of Planning
  • Benchmarking

Subject: MLII102 Information Processing And Retrieval

  1. Define an Information Retrieval system. Describe its components and their functions. What are the Current trends in information retrieval system OR Briefly describe the intellectual and nonintellectual activities that go to make an efficient Information Retrieval System. OR  What is an Information Retrieval System ? Explain its components.  Explain the technical and economic factors in the evaluation of an Information Retrieval System.  OR Explain the features of different information retrieval systems.
  2. What is Citation Indexing ? Describe the method of Social Science Citation Indexing (SSCI).
  3. Describe the purpose and methodology of evaluating an indexing system.
  4. Describe the structure and working of the Sears List of Subject Headings.
  5. Describe the applications of the Common Auxiliaries of the UDC. Also explain Notation of the UDC. OR ‘UDC is considered a sophisticated indexing tool for documentation and information services’ Justify.
  6. Explain the rules for subject indexing as given by C. A. Cutter in his famous Rules for a Dictionary Catalogue.
  7. Describe ISBDs and their impact on cataloging rules.
  8. What is a thesaurus? Explain its functions. Describe the process of thesaurus construction. OR Explain the features and structure of an information retrieval thesaurus. Discuss how it works as an indexing tool.
  9. Explain the salient features of colon classification.
  10. Explain Coate’s contribution to Subject Indexing giving examples.
  11. What is a search strategy of information retrieval ? Discuss different search techniques.
  12. What is a subject indexing language for information retrieval ? State its essential features with examples.  OR What is an Indexing Language ? Describe its need and purpose. Make a comparative study of the Manual and Computerized Indexing.
  13. What do you understand by Compatibility among ISAR systems ? Discuss its need and areas of compatibilities.  What are the different Components of an ISAR System? Discuss the areas and principles of compatibility in ISAR systems.
  14. Describe the Dublin Core Meta data elements for describing information resources.
  15. Define ‘content development’. Discuss the W3C Guidelines for content development.
  16. Differentiate between HTML and XML. Explain the XML syntax and tags. Describe its  applications in library and information activities.
  17. What is MARC? Discuss the field 856 for description of online resources.

Subject: MLIE101 Preservation And Conservation Of Library Materials

  1. What do you understand by the terms ‘conservation’ and ‘preservation’ ? Describe activities carried out for conservation of damaged materials.
  2. Describe the recovery methods employed for salvaging the water damaged materials.
  3. What are Non-book Materials ? Discuss the basic requirements for their preservation.
  4. Describe the external causes of deterioration of paper-based products. Discuss the storage environment measures to control the deterioration.
  5. Describe the guidelines for disaster management planning process in a library.
  6. Explain the structure of a CD and the meaning of ‘CD Rot’. What precautions are required to prevent a CD to rot ?
  7. Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of digitisation. Describe the process of digitisation of print materials. Describe some of the digitisation projects going on/undertaken in India and abroad.
  8. What are the components of a document ? Discuss the general approach to be adopted to preserve these components. Discuss chemicals used for repair and mending of fragile, damaged papers or binding of rare books and manuscripts.
  9. What are the different types of binding ? Discuss the book binding process. Describe the covering materials used for library book binding.  Discuss adhesives. Discuss IS 3050 recommendations in this regard.
  10. What do you understand by ‘Microfilming’ ? Discuss its advantages and disadvantages.
  11. Write a note on
  • ICBS
  • Project Gutenberg
  • Clay tablet
  • Varieties of paper
  • Chemicals for stain removal
  • Birch bark manuscript
  1. Describe in brief the evolution of writing materials.
  2. Describe the care and handling of plastic materials.
  3. Give an account of palm leaf manuscripts, their salient characteristics and their preparation for writing. Describe why palm leaves were widely used in India as a writing material.
  4. Describe briefly the process of fumigation in the conservation of documents in the library

IGNOU Important Questions from MBA/MBAOL/MBF/MBAHM/MBAFM/MBAOM/MBAMM for TEE December 2024

Subject: MMPC 014 Financial Management

  1. Explain the different methods of financial statement analysis. Illustrate how ratio analysis helps in evaluating the financial performance of a company.
  2. Discuss the significance of cash flow analysis and its impact on financial decision-making.
  3. What is working capital management? Discuss the various components of working capital and their management.
  4. Explain the concept of the operating cycle and its relevance in working capital management. How does it impact liquidity and profitability?
  5. Describe the process of capital budgeting. What are the different techniques used in evaluating capital investment projects?
  6. Compare and contrast Net Present Value (NPV) and Internal Rate of Return (IRR) methods in capital budgeting. Which method is preferred and why?
  7. Define the cost of capital and explain its significance in financial decision making.
  8. How do you calculate the Weighted Average Cost of Capital (WACC)? Discuss the impact of WACC on investment decisions.
  9. What is financial leverage? Discuss its advantages and disadvantages.
  10. Explain the concepts of operating leverage and combined leverage. How do they affect a company’s profitability and risk?
  11. Discuss the different types of dividend policies a company can adopt. What factors influence a company’s dividend decision?
  12. Explain the Modigliani-Miller theorem on dividend irrelevance. What are its assumptions and limitations?
  13. Describe the structure of financial markets. What are the primary and secondary markets?
  14. Explain the various financial instruments available in the market. How do they differ in terms of risk and return?
  15. Define the concept of risk and return. How do they influence investment decisions?
  16. Discuss the Capital Asset Pricing Model (CAPM) and its application in determining the expected return on an investment.

Subject: MMPC 008 Information Systems for Managers (Updated with TEE June 2024 Questions)

  1. Highlight the applications of IT in your organization or any organization of your choice. If you have to build AI in your organization, what factors you would think of and take into consideration. Mention those factors in stepwise manner.
  2. What do you understand by “Information System” ? Describe the various types of information system.
  3. What are the various ways of assessing the value of information ? Explain any four methods in brief.
  4. “The value of information is measured in terms of benefits to the organization.” Explain the various methods to assess the value of information system.
  5. “Input/output devices are used as a medium of communication between the external environment and the CPU.” Comment on the statement.  OR  “Main memory holds the programs and data required by the CPU for carrying out its operations.” Explain, in view of the statement, the meaning and types of main memory.
  6. What are data models ? How would you classify the data models ?  Explain them with the help of an example.
  7. “Metadata in a data warehouse is similar to the data dictionary in the context of a database.” Explain, in view of statement, the various types of metadata.  Also, explain the uses of metadata.
  8. “Neutral network is a set of connected input- output units where each connection has a weight associated with it.” Explain the concept of neutural networks. Also, write some business applications of neutral networks.
  9. Write a brief note on Java environment. Also, explain the structure of Java program.
  10. “A network system consists of hardware  components as well as software components.” Explain, in view of the statement, some of the hardware components. OR “System software coordinates the various parts of  computer system and mediates between the application software and computer hardware.” Explain in brief, the meaning of application software. Also, state the difference between application software and system software.
  11. Define the term “Management Information System (MIS).” Also, explain the statement, “There is a two-way relationship between organization and information system.
  12. Compare the business software solutions from Oracle and SAP. Clearly highlight the features which are common between the two.
  13. “To change the sequential execution of a program we need control structures.” Explain these control structures in brief.
  14. Explain the Anthony and Simon framework for understanding the MIS and decision making process.
  15. Discuss the role of social media in supporting decision making process in an organization with the help of suitable example.
  16. Write a Note on the below:
  • Metropolitan Area Network (MAN)
  • Features of Visual Basic (VB.NET)

Subject: MMPC009 Management of Machines and Materials (Updated with TEE June 2024 Questions)

  1. What do you understand by mass production ? Explain the various advantages disadvantages of mass production.
  2. What do you understand by batch production ? Explain the advantages and disadvantages of batch production.
  3. “Basic foundation of value engineering is structured around the effective use of people in teams.” In view of statement, explain the meaning and behavioural and organisational  imp of value engineering. OR “Value engineering is a powerful approach for improvement in the performance of the products, systems or procedures and reduction in costs without jeopardizing their function.” Explain the concept of value engineering. Also, state the difference between value engineering and cost reduction.
  4. Explain the meaning and objective of plant layout. Also, write the types of layout problems. How does a cellular layout differ from a process layout ?
  5. ‘‘A purchase requisition is the primary and authorization document describing the needed items.’’ Explain, in view of the statement, the most common types of requisition forms.  OR What are the common objectives of the purchasing function ? What are the activities in the purchasing function which require high consideration for legal aspects ?
  1. Differentiate between wastivity and productivity. Discuss whether “reducing wastivity” and “increasing productivity” imply one and the same thing.
  2. Explain the concept of inventory. What are the various functions of inventory ?
  3. What do you understand by the term codification ? Explain the various objectives of a codification system.
  4. “Long-term and medium-term forecast of the demand of an output are made by using various casual forecasting methods.” Explain the various methods for predicting future capacity requirements.
  5. Under what circumstances would you use PERT as opposed to CPM in project management ?
  6. Write a short note on:
  • Automation and Robotics
  • Locational break-even analysis

Subject: MMPC010 Managerial Economics (Updated with TEE June 2024 Questions)

  1. What is fundamental nature of Managerial Economics ? Discuss with reference to the three choice problems of an economy. OR Briefly discuss the nature and scope of Managerial Economics.
  2. What are the variables in the demand function which have an influence on the demand of a particular product ? Discuss.
  3. Explain production function framework with its variable inputs. Differentiate between short-run and long-run.
  4. Explain the pricing under a perfectly competitive market.
  5. Differentiate between economic costs and accounting costs. Explain with illustrations.
  6. Differentiate between monopolistic competition and oligopoly markets giving real life examples.
  7. According to the Equi-Marginal principle, different courses of action should be pursued up to the point where all the courses provide equal marginal benefit per unit of cost.” Discuss Equi-Marginal principle with the help of an example. How is it different from discounting principle of the firm ?
  8. The income elasticity of demand measures the responsiveness of sales to changes in income, ceteris paribus.” Elaborate upon the concept of income elasticity of demand with the help of an example.
  9. Describe derivatives and partial derivatives as optimising techniques used in Managerial Economics.
  10. Explain different approaches of estimation of cost function. Discuss the functional forms of cost function.
  11. Explain the characteristics of monopoly. How is equilibrium output and price determined under monopoly ?
  12. Explain the characteristics of Perfect Competition. How is equilibrium output and price determined under perfect competition in the long-run ? OR Discuss the profit maximizing output decision by perfectly competitive firms in the long run when all inputs and costs are variable.
  13. What are the cost concepts frequently used in the managerial decision-making process ? Briefly discuss.
  14. Explain the relationship between Average Product & Marginal Product, and Average Variable Cost & Marginal Cost with the help of diagrams.
  15. Discuss in detail value maximization as an objective of the firm. Give examples.
  16. Discuss the importance of regression analysis for a manager. Explain the process of specifying the regression equation.
  17. Differentiate between market demand curve and individual demand curve. Explain with examples.
  18. Explain the types of statistical analysis. Discuss the limitations of different types of statistical analysis.
  19. Briefly explain the important entry barriers. What are the factors determining conditions of entry ?
  20. Briefly differentiate between short-run cost functions and long-run cost functions. Also use diagrams to illustrate your answer.

Subject: MMPC012 Strategic Management (Updated with TEE June 2024 Questions)

  1. Suppose you are working in an organization and are the part of top management. How will you set the objectives for your organization? Discuss.
  2. What do you understand by the competitive environment? Choose an industry and discuss the external framework of that industry.
  3. Suppose you are asked to formulate a turnaround strategy for a sick organization. Explain the turnaround process which you will use for that organization.
  4. What are the different stages of strategy formulation ? Explain each of them in brief.
  5. How can one analyze the external environment ? Describe the process of analyzing the external environment. OR  Explain the meaning of global business environment. Why is there a need for internationalization ?
  6. Explain the features of any company’s vision. Discuss briefly the purpose of vision statement with the help of a diagram.
  7. How are mission statements converted into objectives and goals ? Discuss briefly with the help of a diagram.
  8. Explain the role of cost in business growth. How is overall cost leadership determined ?
  9. What are the five key pillars of corporate governance system ? Explain the evolution of corporate governance globally.
  10. Define Strategy. Differentiate between different levels of strategy.
  11. Describe value chain framework. How does it analyze organization’s weaknesses ?
  12. What are the different factors which are analysed under PESTLE ? Explain any two in detail.
  13. How does Porter’s Five Forces Framework help in evaluating a competitor’s strategy ? Explain.
  14. Differentiate between Hofstede’s Cultural Dimension Model and Hall’s Cultural Model.

Subject: MMPC018 Entrepreneurship (Updated with TEE June 2024 Questions)

  1. What is Women Entrepreneurship ? Explain the various Entrepreneurship. dimensions of Women
  2. What is family business ? How is it different from other forms of business ? What are the challenges faced by family business owners ? Discuss with examples.
  3. What do you mean by a ‘Business Model’ ? How is a Business Model validated ? Discuss with a suitable example.
  4. What is Social Entrepreneurship ? Explain the four major elements of social entrepreneurship. OR Suppose you are a social entrepreneur. Identify a social issue around you. Explain how innovatively you will resolve the social problem.
  5. What are the major entrepreneurial competencies? Discuss.
  6. Why do Government policy regulations need a proper administrative and institutional setup ? Explain.
  7. Discuss the significance & dimensions of Rural Entrepreneurship, and also shed light on few programmes initiated by Ministry of Rural Development to promote Rural Entrepreneurship.
  8. What is a business plan ? Discuss the various elements of a business plan.

Subject: MMPC020 Business Ethics and CSR

  1. Discuss the contemporary approaches to business ethics. Explain with the help of a diagrammatic representation.
  2. Explain the relevance of business ethics in today’s world. How is Business Ethics different from Law ? Discuss.
  3. Discuss the individual factors in business ethics and leadership. Explain with the help of examples.
  4. Briefly explain the different approaches of business strategy for CSR.
  5. Discuss the phases of development of CSR in India. What are the models of corporate social responsibility operating in India ? Explain.
  6. What are the key challenges facing sustainable development ? Explain.
  7. Discuss the applicability of CSR provisions and the activities listed under Schedule VII.
  8. What are the global guidelines to promote CSR practice ? Discuss. OR Discuss the policy guidelines regarding Quantum of Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) spending and transfer of the unspent amount in a particular year.
  9. What are Ethical Dilemmas?
  10. Nowadays lots of companies are focusing on Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) initiatives. Discuss some of the initiatives of few Indian companies.

Subject: MMPC002 Human Resource Management

  1. Narrate the growth of trade unions and employers’ associations in India. Also indicate the current status of major trade unions of India.
  2. Explain the concept of HRD system. Describe the principles in designing HRD system.
  3. Discuss the salient features of job analysis. Explain various methods of job analysis with the help of suitable examples.
  4. What is career planning ? Explain the process of career planning.
  5. Explain the importance and scope of Human Resource Management (HRM). Elaborate the relevance of HRM in the current scenario.
  6. Explain the objectives of Human Resource Planning (HRP). Describe the process of HRP with illustrations.
  7. What are the goals and objectives of performance appraisal ? Describe the process of performance appraisal.
  8. Write a note on Job Description.
  9. Explain the importance of training in an organisation. Enumerate the steps involved in the training process. Discuss and describe the evaluation of training citing relevant examples.

Subject: MMPF-005 International Financial Management

  1. Explain the various forms of exchange rate arrangements. Describe the features of the fixed parity system and discuss the causes behind its collapse.
  2. What are the various forms of international financial flows ? Explain how they are recorded in balance of payment statement.
  3. Describe in brief the various types of exchange rate exposures and discuss the techniques of managing translation and economic exposure.
  4. How is working capital management of Multinational Firms (MNCs) different from that of domestic firms ? Discuss the considerations involved in formulating MNC working capital management policy.
  5. What do you understand by Purchasing Power Parity and Interest Rate Parity? Discuss the reasons for their deviations.
  6. Why does cost of capital for MNCs differ from that of Domestics Firms? How does an internationally diversified operation of MNC affect its Cost of Capital?
  7. What are the factors taken into consideration for evaluating Foreign Investment Opportunities? Explain the concept of Adjusted Present Value Approach. Discuss the process of risk analysis in international investment decisions.
  8. What is a currency option ? Discuss the factors impacting price of an option and describe how can they be used to offset the risk of appreciation and depreciation of currency.
  9. What are the various types of Export Credit ? Explain the terms and conditions associated with granting of export credit in foreign currency.
  10. What is International Capital Budgeting ? Discuss the issues involved in foreign investment analysis.
  11. What do you understand by External Commercial Borrowings (ECBs) ? Discuss the terms and conditions associated with raising of ECBs through automatic route.

Subject: MMPM001 Consumer Behaviour

  1. It is said that “Lifestyle marketing is a process of establishing relationships between products offered in the market and targeted lifestyle groups”. Comment on the statement and analyse which VALS type best describes you and then find an advertisement in your most frequently used media that appeals to this VALS type?
  2. “Selective perception relates to a small amount of information being processed by consumers.” Discuss this statement with suitable examples.
  3. Distinguish between the instrumental learning and the classical learning approaches. Which of the two is more complete and why? Under what marketing situations would you seek to apply each and why?
  4. What is meant by consumer attitude ? How do you justify the relevance of studying consumer attitudes for marketing ? Explain by taking an example of a product or service.
  5. How can marketers strategically use digital opinion leaders? Illustrate with examples.
  6. It is often said that culture is such a pervasive and all-encompassing influence that we realize its impact when we are out of it for some period of time. Do you agree? Justify your answer on the basis of your own travel to other societies on the basis of discussion with friend who have stayed abroad for some time.
  7. How does the problem recognition stage vary between a low involvement and a high involvement purchases? How can the marketers benefit from these variations?
  8. What are the essential features of classical learning approach ?
  9. Explain Behavioural Intention (BI) model

Subject: MMPH005 Organisational Development and Change

  1. What is process-based change ? Explain in detail Total Quality Management as a tool for bringing change in the organization.
  2. Discuss the importance of Managing change in organisations. Describe any three methods to bring change in organisations and their relevance. Discuss with examples.
  3. What is organizational diagnosis ? Describe and discuss how workshop methodology, task forces and assessment centres help in analyzing an organization. Explain with relevant examples.
  4. Discuss the reasons for the resistance to change in organisations? Explain the sources of Resistance. Briefly discuss how to manage resistance with examples.
  5. Briefly explain the classification of OD Interventions as proposed by Blake and Mouton. Discuss and describe team building and T-Group training as an OD intervention.
  6. Discuss the importance of Managing change in organisations. Describe any three methods to bring change in organisations and their relevance. Discuss with examples.
  7. What is the purpose and context of evaluating a change ? Explain the strategies and approaches in evaluating change.
  8. Briefly discuss the purpose of merger and acquisitions and identify the alternative strategies to achieve the same objectives as mergers and acquisitions.
  9. Describe and discuss the skills and competencies required for a change agent.

Subject: MMPO005 Logistics and Supply Chain Management

  1. “Managers have now become more conscious of the potential of Physical Distribution Method (PDM) and recognize that logistical systems should be designed with the total function in mind.” Explain in view of the statement, the concept of total approach to Physical  Distribution Method (PDM).
  2. What do you understand by “bullwhip effect” ? Explain main factors that contribute towards increase in variability in supply chain.
  3. Explain IT as enabler of supply chain management (SCM) Also, state the challenges in implementing it in SCM.
  4. What is e-SCM? Name some of the organizations that have adopted E-SCM practices. Explain how they have gained success.
  5. What is meant by Benchmarking ? Explain the various challenges faced in implementation of Benchmarking.
  6. “Logistics run throughout the process of supply chain and therefore in order to access the performance of supply chain, total logistics cost is of utmost importance.” Comment on the statement.
  7. What is the need for Supply Chain Performance Measures? What are the factors that contribute to management’s need for new types of measures for managing the supply chain?
  8. “Supplier is as important as the customer and that has to be realised in the true sense.” Explain in view of the statement, the ways of maintaining direct relationship with the supplier by the buyer firm.
  9. “The selection procedure for the transport mode could vary from a simple decision to a complex decision.” Explain the various methods of selecting the transport and write down the stages involved in systematic selection of the transport.
  10. “With information freely available on the Internet, the demand for consultants will reduce”. Comment on the statement.

Subject: MMPC015 Research Methodology for Management Decisions (Updated with TEE June 2024 Questions)

  1. What is data processing in the research ? What are the various types of data classification in the research ? Explain the significance of data presentation in the research.
  2. What do you mean by sampling design ? What point should be taken into consideration while developing the sampling design for studying the problems of domestic airline passengers ? Discuss.
  3. What are the various data collection methods ? Discuss the merits and demerits of collecting primary and secondary data.
  4. What do you mean by the term ‘research’ ? What are the different types of research ? OR What do you mean by research process ? Explain the steps in formulating a research problem.
  5. What is research design ? What are the different types of research designs ? Discuss.
  6. What are the different types of attitude measurement scales ? Compare and contrast the various attitude measurement techniques.
  7. Explain the different kinds of sampling.
  8. Elaborate The Semantic Differential Scale.
  9. What are the various formats of questionnaires ? Discuss the steps involved in the design of a questionnaire.
  10. How will you differentiate between descriptive statistics and inferential statistics? Describe the important statistical measures often used to summarise the survey/research data.
  11. The data given below is on a large industrial plant’s daily emission of sulphur oxide (in tons) : 17 24 19 19 15 20 23 10 20 17 28 29 6 19 19 24 16 18 14 22 22 15 24 25 23 17 27 24 20 9 26 13 23 18 31 13 20 17 24 14 : Use the one-sampling sign test to test the null hypothesis that the plant’s true average daily emission of sulphur oxide is u = 23.5 tons against the alternative hypothesis u< 23.5 tons at the 0.05 level of significance.

IGNOU Important Questions for MPS TEE December 2024

Subject: MPSE03 Western Political Thought

  1. What do you understand by Political Thought ? Distinguish between Political Theory and Political Thought.
  2. Examine the statement, “Western political thought deals largely with political institutions and procedures relating to them.”
  3. Describe the main features of Nicolo Machiavelli’s views on politics and forms of Government. OR Why is Niccolo Machiavelli regarded as the father of Modern Political Thought ? Explain.
  4. Examine Edmund Burke’s views on citizenship and democracy, natural rights, social contract.
  5. Why is Immanuel Kant’s political philosophy considered international in character ?
  6. Examine Tocqueville’s views on democracy, revolution and modern state.
  7. Discuss Marx’s theory of alienation.
  8. Critically examine Hobbes’ view on human nature and sovereignty.
  9. Examine J. S. Mill’s justification for Individual Liberty, Representative Democracy, equality for women.
  10. Examine John Locke’s conception of the state of nature and natural rights, Social Contract and Civil Society.
  11. Critically examine Rousseau’s conception of General Will.
  12. Discuss Plato’s views on the Ideal State. What qualities does Plato suggest for the ruling class ?
  13. Write a note on Jeremy Bentham’s Political Philosophy.
  14. Examine Aristotle’s views on Revolution.
  15. Describe the basic features of St. Augustine‟s political thought.
  16. Write a note on Hegel‟s views on civil  society.

IGNOU Important Questions for MEC (Masters in Economics) TEE December 2024

Subject: MEC 108 Economics Of Social Sector And Environment (Updated with TEE June 2024 Questions)

  1. Using the example of Covid-19, discuss externalities in health context.
  2. Examine the tenability of education production function.
  3. Discuss the “system of environmental and economic accounting”.
  4. What is the role of health insurance in the demand for health services ? Explain the issues of adverse selection and moral hazard in the context of health insurance.
  5. Specify the approach to Spence’s theory on signalling.
  6. Discuss and interpret “optimal control theory”.
  7. Explain necessary and sufficient conditions for “strong sustainability”. How is “weak sustainability” Atkinson ?
  8. Differentiate between pure and impure public goods.
  9. Provide an overview of the limitations of ECBA.
  10. Prove the Elite approach to determine investment levels.
  11. Discuss the multidimensional concept of poverty. OR Explain how ‘poverty’ is not the sole determinant of malnutrition.
  12. Outline the features of the National Action Plan on Climate Change.
  13. Discuss the significance of ‘efficiency wage’ in contributing to health and productivity of workers.
  14. Specify the fundamental challenges of using the non-renewable resources optimally.

IGNOU Important Questions for MPA (Masters of Arts in Public Administration ) TEE December 2024

Subject: MPA015 Public Policy and Analysis (Updated with TEE June 2024 Questions)

  1. Discuss the nature and significance of public policy. OR Discuss the scope of public policy and highlight the typologies of policy issues. OR Discuss the significance of policy sciences and highlight its relevance to public policy in the contemporary context.
  2. Examine the Lasswell’s vision of policy sciences.
  3. ‘Policy evaluation is comparatively a neglected area in the total policy process.’ Examine.
  4. ‘Civil Society Organisations are facing challenges in the area of policy-making and implementation, which can be dealt with remedial measures.’ Comment. OR Analyse the role of civil society organisations in public policy with special reference to pavement dwellers in Mumbai.
  5. Examine the role of international agencies in policy-making.
  6. Examine the systems model for policy analysis.
  7. Explain the role of administrative organizations and judicial bodies in policy implementation.
  8. ‘Monitoring of time, cost and technical performance Elaborate. involves many techniques.’
  9. Discuss the significance and types of policy impact.
  10. Examine the Rational Policy-Making Model.
  11. What are the Conditions for successful implementation of public policy.
  12. Examine the policy-making models and describe the best suitable model for disinvestment policy.
  13. Discuss the process of disinvestment policy in the Central Public Enterprises in India.
  14. How simulation models are more appropriate than optimization models?
  15. Analyse the telecom policies and their impact on telecom sector.

IGNOU Important Questions for DECE TEE December 2024

Subject: DECE 02 Child Health and Nutrition (Updated with TEE June 2024 Questions)

  1. Explain various food sources and functions of proteins and carbohydrates.
  2. Suggest a balanced lunch menu for a pregnant lady, stating the nutrients she will get from each food item.
  3. Regarding diet planning for a lactating woman, what are three Do’s and Don’ts to consider ?
  4. Explain the interaction between malnutrition and infection, giving examples.
  5. What is meant by ‘Balanced Diet’ ? Explain how the concept of food groups can be used to prepare a balanced diet, giving an example.
  6. Suggest a nutritious balanced lunch menu for a preschool child, stating the dishes you will give and their amounts.
  7. Explain various functions of food, giving examples.
  8. What is meant by ‘recommended dietary allowances’ ? Explain giving an example.
  9. State the causes of the following : (i) Rickets (ii) Scurvy (iii) Scabies (iv) Xerophthalmia (v) Whooping Cough
  10. Suggest a nutritious snack that you can give to the lactating mother in the interval between lunch and dinner. What are the nutrients provided by the different ingredients in the snack ?
  11. What food items should be included in the infant’s diet in the following age groups ? Give reasons and examples to explain your answer : (i) birth to 6 months old infant (ii) 6 to 9 months old infant (iii) 9 to 12 months old infant
  12. State the milestones of gross motor development in the age group birth to one year?
  13. Explain how the concept of health has changed over the years and describe its various dimensions.
  14. Describe the rural health delivery system of India.
  15. Highlight the physiological changes expecting mothers experience during pregnancy

Subject: DECE 03 Services and Programmes for Children (Updated with TEE June 2024 Questions)

  1. What is ‘cerebral palsy’ ? Explain. State any five features that you are likely to observe in a child who has cerebral palsy.
  2. Explain any two skills associated with the management process, with reference to an early childhood care and education centre. OR Describe the characteristics of an effective supervisor of an early childhood care and education centre, giving examples.
  3. State any five challenges of the ICDS programme which affect its effective implementation.
  4. State the basic ideas in the educational philosophy of Froebel and Tagore. Discuss relevance of their ideas for preschool education in today’s context.
  5. Explain seven principles you will keep in mind when working with a child with mental retardation.
  6. What role has Tarabai Modak played in promoting the preschool movement in India ?
  7. Suggest any five strategies that parents of a four year old child with visual impairment can use to help her to learn about her surroundings.
  8. Explain the child to child strategy of communication with suitable examples.
  9. a) Does the attitude and emotions of the family members towards disability influence their interaction with their child with disability ? Explain your answer giving four examples. (b) Describe, giving example(s), any one emotion that parents experience when they come to know about their child’s disability.
  10. As an early childhood caregiver formulate a message that can be appropriately conveyed through the method of group discussion. State the specific target group for whom you have formulated this message.
  11. Explain why is it important to provide Early Childhood Care and Education Services during early childhood years.
  12. Describe components of the Field Programme of Mobile Creches.
  13. What are the advantages of using Role Play as methods of communication ?
  14. Describe Basic concepts of educational philosophy of Maria Montessori.
  15. What do you understand by the terms: i) Lip reading ii) Finger spelling
  16. What are the Features of special education?

Effective Preparation Strategies

1. Review Past Question Papers:

Analyzing past years’ question papers can give you a sense of the exam pattern and the types of questions frequently asked. This helps in identifying important areas and preparing accordingly.

2. Focus on Key Concepts:

Ensure you have a strong grasp of fundamental concepts. This is particularly important for subjects like mathematics, computer science, and economics where conceptual clarity is crucial.

3. Create a Study Schedule:

Divide your study time effectively, ensuring you cover all topics while also dedicating time for revision and practice. Stick to your schedule to avoid last-minute cramming.

4. Join Study Groups:

Collaborative study can be very effective. Join study groups, either online or offline, to discuss and solve difficult problems. Group discussions often provide new insights and understanding.

5. Utilize IGNOU’s Resources:

Make the best use of study materials provided by IGNOU, including books, online lectures, and the eGyankosh repository. These resources are designed to cover the syllabus comprehensively.

6. Practice Writing:

For subjects that require descriptive answers, practice writing detailed and well-structured answers. This helps in managing time during the exam and improves answer quality.

Preparing for the IGNOU TEE December 2024 requires strategic planning and focused study. By identifying and practicing important questions, students can enhance their understanding and improve their chances of performing well in the exams. Remember to use all available resources, stay disciplined in your study approach, and maintain a positive mindset. With consistent effort and thorough preparation, you can successfully navigate the challenges of the term-end exams.

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